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Come, my army, come with me.

They followed me, dragging their feet to match every movement of mine. I had to stop to wash my dirty nails but I didn't stop. I couldn't even if I wanted to. They had a duty just like I did. Only when I found a quiet place that I halted, feeling tormented for once.

"You know what to do." I rasped, scratching my already battered skin. "Scatter around. There's not a city that should be left behind."

Those freshly awakened bodies turned to start their new journey where I was left to wonder if I should continue to follow his order or stop to think clearly. I didn't need protection here, I was quite capable of fighting humanity but Demos insisted. 

A necessary evil was what Demos called it.

I called it ironic. 

The more I kept walking, the more I was astonished to see that earth was really a good place to stay. There weren't any hellhounds wanting to rip my throat out every time my foot slipped nor any underlings hidden in alleyways. I was...safe. I didn't know what to do with that emotion. It's been too long that I didn't feel safe unless I was with Demos. 

Remembering Demos, my mind felt content. I might not feel anything physically but my heart? He was the only one I could truly trust to not break my heart. He was my lifeline, a mentor I still couldn't believe that I was worthy of. 

The King of Demon deserved the best. 

Then why did he choose you?

My mind was there to chime in like every time. It was so sudden too. One minute we were worried about the hellhound, Sage, and the next minute, he was asking for my hand in marriage. The gate of Hell was finally open. Now it was my chance to be normal like the other demons but there he was, asking me to do the unthinkable.

Find the cure.

Then be his Queen.

No, I couldn't think about that now. I had duties, rules to follow. Even here, I could feel that invisible cord in my stomach. I wasn't truly free of Hell, Demos would never let me go. The thought made me so giddy that I didn't realize bumping into someone until goosebumps raised over my skin. I didn't expect the coldness on my shoulder. I felt something. Oh God... before I could inspect that little emotion, my eyes rolled over, leaving my body to be a slave of my own nightmare.

It started how it normally did.

I was stuck in the dark void.

Voices passed by me but...

Only today the voices made sense, I could see those dark voids clearly for the first time in forever. I didn't know if that was going to be a good idea or bad. My hands itched to touch those swirling figures when I heard a voice near me. 

"You look so beautiful, Emie."

Turning around, I couldn't believe my own eyes. It's like I was staring at the pond like I usually did back in Hell. I was seeing myself, only I didn't know the girl in my nightmare.

"Do I?" The girl scowled, her voice mocking for someone dressed up in funeral-like clothing. If I were to have any strength then I'd gasp. The girl even had my voice. How was that possible?

The other woman's smile vanished. "You don't believe me."

"Believe you? I believed you once, Belle, not again." I took a step forward, watching the girl murmur with anger in her voice. Was that really me or was I having a breakdown? 

The Reaper Saga [Book 1-3]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن