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Before I could even process what's happening, Allegra was preparing a way for us to enter Sparkas without actually going there. Astral projection was what we were going to use she said. I had seen that kind of magic but I had never used it on myself or others.

"What are the risks?" As always Lex was the calculative one, thinking of pros and cons.

"You come back before we wake you up. You will get eight hours at most, time goes there quickly so it might feel like a second when it's already been hours here. Now you may see something that will make you want to come back sooner but keep it in mind, do not wake up without actually talking to this Byron. The other Volkioses will literally lose their mind if you don't come up with an answer."

Oh, God.

I could feel the panic rising deep inside me. As if he could too, he relaxed with a grin. "Anything else?"

Instead of answering, Allegra handed me a small bottle. "Drink this. Both of you."

The bottle was surprisingly heavy for being so small. I shook the thing before opening it. The smell was what got me first. "You want me to drink blood?"

I heard a sound, expecting to see Lex scoff but to my shock, he knocked down the thing with a grimace. "Yuck. I don't remember blood being this disgusting."

"Because it's pig's blood mixed with mine." Allegra said with a straight face.

Damn it. Why couldn't she say it after I took it too? Smelling it wasn't an option so just like he did, I shoved it down to my throat with difficulty. It's a miracle that I didn't just gag, Lex wasn't exaggerating. The taste was absolutely awful.


"Yeah, this will connect you two to me. Take another bottle with you. It's Valentine's order. If you two find Byron passed out, just give him this."

Thankfully Lex took the bottle before I was forced to even go near it. He kept it in his pocket, glaring at her the whole time. "If he kills us after tasting it, I'm coming after you."

She didn't even blink. Sometimes I wondered how she was so immune to things around her. Maybe that's why she was a Volkios.

"If you are done glaring at me, lay down side by side like that day. Remember, eight hours."

With that warning, she started chanting an incantation. Taking a deep breath, I forced myself to relax, mimicking Lex who slid under a grave. I didn't know why we always had to do these rituals in a cemetery but apparently, we have less chance of getting interrupted in this way.

Her logic, not mine.

As her voice raised, my eyelids dropped lower. There were blurs of motions, like pictures going faster and faster in my vision and I was almost sure that I was going to sleep when I heard it.

"I am with you. I'll always be with you."


I woke up in what looked like a zombie world.

The last time I was here, it was filled with sand and a beach. At most, the sky was red and the people were hiding near trees but now bodies were on the ground where even to walk, we had to tiptoe in the danger of stomping one.

"What the hell happened here?" Lex asked, mirroring the look in my eyes.

"I don't know."

"Wonderful." He cursed, grabbing my wrist suddenly. I must have tensed cause he rolled his eyes. "Relax, I'm just helping you move with all the bodies here. We don't want you puking your guts out."

The Reaper Saga [Book 1-3]Where stories live. Discover now