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I never felt this free before. 

For so long, every time I closed my eyes, only vivid memories of my past and the people in it filled my vision. The only thing it did was opening the emotional scar these people left for me. But now? Right now my soul consumed with another felt different, like a string bound together as if it was always meant to be. 

I wasn't afraid anymore. And, I loved it. I loved it more than I wanted to admit.

But like always the feeling of triumph collapsed when I realized in a moment of horror that I was sensing something nearby. At first, I couldn't hear or see anything in the dark. Not until I called out his name that a rush of noise surrounded me.

Those hushed whispers started to get loud and now I could finally see past the blurriness. Some people were in the middle of a clearing near a lake. The longer I took to get close to them, the louder I was surrounded by the harsh chanting which quickly turned into a terrifying scream. Someone was yelling in pain.

Where in hell was I?

"You don't have to do this."

"You don't but I do."

"It won't end well."

"So be it."

Just as I started to suffocate in panic, I felt something pulling me into a darker abyss. I struggled against the pull. I fought to go back to the other soul which was beckoning mine to follow him. 

Alexei's soul.

The harsh memories filled my body first. Memories of burning in the hot fire of the Hell and the hellhounds waiting for me to be their feeding source. I couldn't leave it no matter how many times I tried to. No, I couldn't get stuck in there again. I won't be able to survive this time. My body jolted suddenly hearing a shout. Was it a hellhound? My ears perked up to listen clearly when I heard it again. It wasn't a hellhound but someone familiar. 

"Come on, Darkness!" Someone yelled out. I realized I could feel my body again so I looked around to see Allegra who looked terrified. I had yet to see what caused her to become afraid when my gaze went to Lex. 

He was pale. Unnaturally pale. I tried to say something but I couldn't. So, I sat there shaking, not knowing what I was really feeling. Was I terrified too? For him?

"Emie, I don't know what happened but his's not returning from that place." Sweat glistened along her forehead, the force of what's happing finally restoring through my haze.

He's hurt.

I had to do something.

But what?

"I've got this." I assured her with a smile. I could already feel my arms prickling with something. I just needed to tap into that, to be focused on the job. With determination, I pulled his head onto my lap so he could feel more comfortable. He looked so peaceful there like he didn't have a worry in the world. Despite not wanting to, I couldn't help but rub his cheeks with my knuckles while smiling foolishly. 

"You're my beloved."

My eyes closed immediately. I tried to hate him, to get him out of my mind but he was always there, whispering apologies as threats. I realized with another shocking revolution that what memories I had of him was not all bad. He did save my life even when he didn't mean to. I was so deep into my thoughts that I didn't even notice when with a force, someone grabbed my wrist. 

Startled, I looked down to notice Lex had his eyes open and staring back at me. Besides us, Allegra let out a heavy sigh.

"What happened?" His voice came out raspy. 

The Reaper Saga [Book 1-3]Where stories live. Discover now