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"Call 911! Now!"

I couldn't pinpoint the frantic voice but she was familiar. Whoever she was, she sounded scared. Like there was someone important to save but she was failing.

"I can't!" This voice was rather odd. Filled with more fear than mocking. "Master will kill me! Why did you let her do that?"

"Didn't her doctor ever tell you that she attacked me when I was only helping her with that stupid infection? After that breakdown, she hasn't responded for a year, Byron. She literately just stares ahead. What do you want me to think?" Who was she talking about?

"Fuck, Sandy. Move! Move, let me see." Whoever it was, I felt him place my head into a more comfortable place. A pillow?

"Can't you give her some of your blood?" The woman pointed out with a shout. "Maybe that'll heal her."

He blanched at the idea. "You think I didn't? Her body is rejecting the blood. Not a few seconds ago, she was convulsing like I gave her some kind of poison. I have never seen anyone react to my blood like that. I had to extract it right back. It won't heal her."

"Dammit, Byron! Should we call your Mr. Val-"

Whoever this Mr. Val was, had the man snap in a second. I could even hear something crash near. "No, no! Let's just wait for a few hours and see what happens."

"Are you insane! What if she's dead by then?"

My heart raced to hear the word. Dead, like there's a finality in it she didn't like.

"Why don't you do something then? Use your magic."

"I can't! The Volkios would know if I did. I have to rely on blood magic, you idiot. And she's already losing too much blood, I can't help her."

"Then what? Should we go to them?"

If anything, the woman sounded even more offended. "Those sisters? Not a chance in hell. They'll see it to themselves that she dies."

"Fuck! Why is her body fighting so much?"

"Byron, what if she..."

"No, no. It's too soon. What I can do is ask for Hannah..." Everything came to a stop and I was drifting into sleep again.


"Welcome back."

My body lurched awake and it took me a lot to not just scream. Everywhere I touched it ached, and I hardly felt anything but pain. Fuck, it even hurt to breathe. Where the hell was I?

"Quite a scare you gave us." The voice continued. He sounded bored but I could detect the uneasiness in them from miles. "We thought you wouldn't be awake for another year."

Another year?

I finally blinked to erase the blurriness and I was looking right at Byron. Something told me even Sandy was here but she was nowhere to be found right now. Sucking in the air, I looked around, trying to figure out where I was. By the way, even the ceiling looked squeaky clean, this wasn't just another cell.

Maybe it's a staff room? Byron's?


"Say something." He demanded, his tone louder than before.

"You say something." I countered, coughing. "You are the one currently standing between the two of us."

His gaze was unnerving but I couldn't look away. There was something in them...

The Reaper Saga [Book 1-3]Where stories live. Discover now