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"Can you be anymore slower!?" 

Zach yelled out at the Coven members who were bringing flowers and helping the grooms with the suit. Where I was going all out with black, Mikhail chose to go with more of a softer color. But the excitement was the same for everyone since we decided to have the wedding at the same altar even if Mikhail, Lana and Zach were going to have a private wedding right after this one anyway.

Mikhail suddenly cleared his throat, getting the attention of both Zach and me. "Have anyone heard from 5132 since yesterday?"

"No." Zach grumbled, brushing back his hair. "And, don't even think of meeting her before the wedding. It's bad luck."

"Fuck! As if we need another one. I need to breathe freely." 

I rolled my eyes as he started tugging his collar, his hands shaking visibly. No matter how calm he looked on the outside, I could feel the fear on his face just fine. Not that I was any better. I had the same fear Mikhail bore in his heart but I was just slightly better at hiding it than him. Zach, however, dragged himself near Mikhail to slap his shoulder, making the former curse again.

"You aren't having cold feet, are you?" Zach smirked. "Because if you are, Lana will surely kill you. Scratch that, I will kill you." 

"Fuck off." Mikhail growled.

Looking at these two, I couldn't help but remember Zed. I tried my best to always keep that part of me hidden, the part which was still guilty. But time like this I couldn't ignore just what I lost. 

"Hey, Zach, call me if it's time. I'll be right back." Before Zach could even nod, I was running toward the old room in a hurry. Opening the door, reality hit me hard. The place was filled with dust since no one other than Emie or I visited the room. No matter how many times I saw the letter Zed left for me, it wouldn't be enough.

Opening the drawer, I stared at the white envelop that said 'Alexei' at the top. Slowly opening it, a chuckle left from my lips.

"Yo Alexei,

I'm still wondering if I should write this or not. But if you are indeed reading this, that means I'm already dead and playing chess with the devil in my free time. I know you will feel guilty, Lex, for a long time wondering if I forgave you. Well, I already did and I am so proud of what you have become. 

I wanted to be happy for him. I wanted to pretend that yes, he was having fun with the devil in his free time but the truth was too hard to ignore. It killed me with every breath I took. It killed me to think that he was gone. That his soul was completely destroyed with no chance to ever come back.

Sighing, I picked up the letter again.

My only regret is never telling you that before everything went down. The moment I decided to walk the path of revenge, I had to dig my own grave. I only hope that if I'm not there, you'll take care of our clan as a leader should. The Volkios would never allow that but the clan would need someone strong to keep going on. I trust no one to take care of the Moon clan other than you or Emie. Even Shayla knows that. Don't worry about me though, I'm pretty sure I will have my fun spreading your legacy, the Darkness's tale in here. 

And for devil's sake, don't drive Emie mad enough to leave your stubborn ass. I wouldn't be there to listen to your whining. 

Yours Truly-

Zedkiel Lytton."


"The veil was supposed to be short! What the hell is this?" 5132 demanded, the piece of the said cloth dangling from her hands. 

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