17 - A Freakin' Yacht?

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One thing I've learned so far on this trip, is that the boys love to go all out and party. Daisy and I usually go on holiday to sit by the pool, but the boys have other plans. They certainly know how to have a good time. Of course, it was JJ's idea to go out on a yacht and fortunately for him, it didn't take much to convince us.

After around 15 minutes of trying on different bikinis, I eventually decide on a simple yet daring set. Daisy goes for a red one. We pack a beach bag full of things we need for the day before we set off around noon. We get a taxi so we can save our energy for the fun later on, even though it's only a 20 minute walk.  

We arrive at the pier to see hundreds of different sized boats, all lined up in the bay, shimmering in the sunlight and bobbing up and down gently in the water. It really is spectacular. We walk along the wooden boards for a while, trying to find which boat was ours for the day. One stands out among the crowd. Firstly, because it's the biggest and secondly because it has a slide attached to the side. I have a sudden gut feeling that JJ has picked that one, but I decide to stay quiet. Not even a minute later, JJ screams at the top of his lungs: 

"THATS IT OVER THERE!" and points to the boat I notice. I laugh to myself before we make our way over to it. 


We have been out at sea for a few hours now, having drinks and chatting away before Ethan remembers something. 


"Oh yeah, I completely forgot!" Daisy squeals, getting up off of her seat and dragging me towards the slide. 

"What are you- OH NO, WAIT, DON'T YOU DA-" I'm cut off by daisy pushing me down the slide. I shut my eyes tightly as I feel myself shoot down the slide at a rapid rate, and I soon feel a wave of freezing cold water splash up, engulfing me and downing out my surroundings. I take a moment but eventually I swim to the surface to see everyone laughing and chuckling, staring down at me. 

"Oh yeah? You won't be laughing for long!" I claim before climbing the ladder as quickly as I can before reaching up to grab Daisy's arm, pulling her down into the water with me. 


A/N: Hey! Sorry this has taken so long to write but I've been super busy recently. This isn't my best work yet but I thought I'd put something out for you guys :)

𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐒𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐀𝐋 , 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now