24 - Shower Thoughts

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"So, what's going on between you two then?" Harry asks, taking a sip of his piña colada. Shit. I'm not sure why but a part of me doesn't want Harry to know. Especially since I don't know myself. 

"What do you mean, bog?" I ask while putting on my sunglasses and laying back on Daisy's sun lounger. 

"C'mon, Y/N, I'm not blind," Harry laughs, making me feel slightly less nervous. 

"Well, I would love to tell you Harry but the thing is, I don't really know myself," I smile, turning to face him. 

"It's probably nothing."

"That's not what Simon told me," Harry mumbles under his breath a little too loudly. My head shoots up. 

"Wait, what?" I ask and Harry freezes. 

"Uh, I didn't say anything," Harry defends as his eyes find the floor. He is a terrible liar. 

"What did Simon say?" 

"Nothing! Really I swear. Besides, I really think you should talk to him about it," Harry says, once again taking a sip of his drink.


"Hey, could I talk to you for a minute?" I ask Simon as I gently nudge his arm. We are on our way back from dinner in town. Even though the hotel has restaurants, we want to get the full holiday experience. We have just gone to this exclusive and, might I add, hideously expensive restaurant in the hills that was definitely not worth the price. However, we still managed to have a great time.  

"Oh, yeah of course, sorry, Ethan, talk later?" 

"Of course, mate," Ethan says, patting Simon on the back before walking away with a smirk on his face. 

"I wanted to talk about the other night." 

"Oh right yeah, what about it?" 

"Well, I can't really remember much so I wanted you to fill me in," I smile but Simon seems uneasy. 

"Yeah, sure," Simon fills me in on what went down. How we danced and went to get fresh air but ended up getting ice cream, but there is a part of me that feels like he has missed something out. For some reason I feel like he is hiding something from me and I'm not sure why.


The hot soapy water runs down my body as I stand in the shower, desperately trying to make sense of the conversation I had with Simon earlier. Something seems off and I am determined to get to the bottom of it. 

What could he be hiding from me? And why would he hide it? The stress is beginning to give me a sore head. I close my eyes as I run my hands through my hair, trying to brush out the knots and concentrate. 

Think Y/N, think. Ice cream- mango ice cream. LOTS of alcohol, very dark, stuffy. The bench, the sea, lips...wait lips?! My eyes shoot open as the memories come flooding back into my brain. We kissed! That's what he was hiding! But why?

I don't wait long before getting out of the shower and preparing for bed, of course, trying to make as little noise as possible as to not wake Daisy. As I bring the sheets up and over my body, I shift to face the window. 

My eyes find the sea and I remember the kiss Simon and I had shared. I faintly giggle to myself like a little girl as the feelings of that night come back to me, however they are soon clouded over by the one thing that is still bothering me.

Why didn't he tell me...?


A/N: Thank you all for reading this chapter and please like, share and comment if you can! I love you all and hope you have an amazing day my lovelies :)

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