23 - The Morning After

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I groan and rub my eyes as I sit up in bed, trying to remember last nights events. 

"Oh good you're awake," I freeze- that's not Daisy's voice. My eyes bolt open to be met with Simon sitting at the end of the bed with a grin on his face. 

"You passed out last night so I brought you up to your room, and then I passed out too. I only woke up a few minutes ago." 

I smile slightly before a thought popped into my head. "W-we didn't...you know.." 

"No, no. Not that I can recall anyway," He chuckles handing me some paracetamol and a glass of water. I thank him before I take the tablets, hoping to cure my sore head. 

"So, do you remember anything from last night?" 

"Not really, but it might come back to me," I chuckle.

I force myself to sit up and get out of bed, heading into the bathroom to hopefully make myself look more presentable. I put on some denim shorts and a white bralette over my bikini while tying half of my hair up, leaving the other half down. I open the door to yet again be met by Simon. 

"We missed breakfast, so I texted Josh to say we would meet them at the pool," He says while extending his arm for me to take. I smile as I take it 

"Oh, by the way Simon, thank you for taking care of me last night." 

"Of course."


"And where have you two been?" Daisy practically yells as we approach the pool where the others are sunbathing. Simon and I exchange a slightly panicked look. 

"We went for air last night and we ended up getting ice cream and passing out," Simon laughs, however the others don't appear to be convinced. 

"Yeah...sure you did," Harry mutters as he walks past us, heading to the bar and looking pissed off. That's strange. 

"So did you?" Vik asks while following Harry. 

"Did we what?" 

"Sleep together?" My mouth drops open and Simon looks just as shocked as I do. 

"No! Why would you even ask that?" Simon says, seeming almost angry. 

"Jheez, okay sorry."

Daisy practically drags me over to her sun lounger, sitting me down and facing me. 

"So now that it's just me and you...did you?" 

"Oh my god, Daisy, no, of course we didn't." 

"Then what happened?" 

"You know I can't really remember, I was really drunk," I laugh, feeling slightly embarrassed. 

"You know, a word of advice, I know you like Simon and I know he likes you. Don't wait too long to talk to him okay?" Daisy gets up from the lounge and begins to walk to the pool.

I sit there dumbfounded and feel slightly overwhelmed. Simon genuinely likes me? My mind begins to spin and I am so lost in my thoughts that I don't even notice Harry sitting down next to me until I notice a drink in the corner of my eye. 

"You look like you need one," Harry smiles as he hands me the drink. 

"Thank you, Harry."


A/N: How are we all doing? Good I hope. Thank you all for the support recently its been mad! I love you all <3

𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐒𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐀𝐋 , 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now