26 - Old Friend

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I reminisce on my time here in Greece as we wait in the airport. Our flight now delayed and waiting around leaves me no other choice. We've been waiting for about an hour and there is no sign of the replacement plane that was promised. 

I slouch in my seat as I scroll through instagram, something I find myself doing often. I sighe loudly as I glance around the group to find everyone else with the same bored expression plastered on their faces. 

My eyes soon land on Daisy, who is sprawled out across two chairs on the phone to her boss who I assume is grilling her about getting back to work. There is something different about Daisy recently, but I can't quite figure out what. Perhaps it was the holiday? Or the boys? Or the breakup? Or...oh my god, Noah.

I sit upright in my chair as I remember the brown curly haired boy I have spent such a long period of my life with. How could I completely forget about him? I feel horrible and I have no defence, I have completely forgotten about one of my best friends. Someone who I've known since I was eleven, someone who has stuck by me all the way through high school.

I still remember the day I met him- It was our first week of high school and it was also our first time in science class. I pulled out my seat and sat down as the teacher paired us up. 

"Noah Brown," I glanced up from my seat. 

"You're next to Y/N, up at the back," He shuffled over to the desk and quietly sat down. I can remember peeking over to my right to be met by his emerald green eyes, which might I add, was always a feature of his I admired. He sent me an awkward, toothy grin which made me chuckle and return the gesture.

Daisy, Noah and I were always together. Noah and I even dated for a while when we were fifteen, but it didn't last long and we both realised we got on better as friends. It wasn't long after that that Daisy and Noah admitted their feelings for each other. I wasn't angry or upset, in fact, I was quite the opposite. 

I always kept Daisy's best interests at heart and it made more sense for her and Noah to be together. They always included me and I never once felt like a third wheel which was something I was forever grateful for.

I chuckle to myself as the memories of us flash around in my head. School really was the best time in my life and as a kid I never believed it. I was ignorant and ignored the wise words my parents told me frequently, but now I realise, those really were the good old days.


A/N: Hey, sorry for the late update. School really takes up all my time and I do struggle with trying to write chapters but I promise you, I do try :)

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