Inumaki Toge: when you stare at him

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When Inumaki notices that you are staring at him, he will just stare at you back for a good few minutes because like…he can’t say what he is thinking.

It was most likely during when he was watching a Youtube video - because it is now canon that he likes watching them.

I don’t know why but when he said “konbu” (it means hi, like hi there, why are you staring at me?) it’s quite funny because it breaks the silence of the staring contest you both were having.

He will notice the soft look that you have and will just stare into your eyes because he can see the amount of love you have in your eyes for him - to Inumaki, you look so in peace with him.

Inumaki is very lucky that he has a school jacket that covers half of his face because he does have a light blush painted on his cheeks right now.

When you say to him, “I love you so much, do you know that?”, Inumaki will have the brightest expression on his face - okay like I have heard no one talk about this…but Inumaki’s purple eyes are so beautiful…so beautiful.

Inumaki will give you a closed eye smile and will zip down his collar to show you his cute smile since he wants to show you that he is really happy that you told him that.

Inumaki will put his phone away and proceed to give you a few kisses on your cheeks while hugging you close to him because he finds you so cute that you said that.

After the lovey-dovey attention that you have been getting, Inumaki will just snuggle close to you and turn his phone back on to watch the video, but now it’s his turn to stare at you with the same look of love and endearment that you had for him.

He's just so cute I love him so much

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