s/o turning into a child - Nanami Kento

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to be honest, nanami might be the only one who knows what to do with you. i feel like under that entire business man image he shows, he’s lowkey really good with kids

so when he walked into your shared room in the morning after making breakfast for the both of you and sees a child that looks like you blinking back at him, he’d just sigh tiredly and rub the bridge of his nose

“i do not get paid enough to handle half of this.”

you might feel super intimidated by him; but i feel like nanami might still be able to talk to you; or make compromises for you so that you’d at least feel a little more accepting of him

“now Y/N, don’t pout.” nanami would say with a tired sigh as he bent down on the side of your shared bed, giving you a soft smile even if you were unsure of him still. “if you do, who is going to eat the chocolate chipped pancakes I made?”

yes, you make nanami make you chocolate chip pancakes from time to time, and luckily the night before you told him of your craving for them - so what kind of boyfriend would he be if he didn’t make that dream happen for you?

he’d let you go and explore the house after breakfast whilst he gets ready, standing nearby to keep an eye on you but not stepping in when he sees you struggling - not because he wants to tease you, it’s more so he wants you to come up to him to ask for help yourself instead of forcing himself on you; which you did, with much reluctance

since he needs to go to the college today, he decided to bring you along, knowing that deep down that it was going to be the most hectic day he’s ever experienced

first person to see you was probably gojo, who might burst out laughing at the sight of you clinging onto the side of his pants after he made his way to work, bending down so he was your height. “oh my god, Y/N, you are so cute!”

“please do not scare them.” nanami would say with a tired sigh, watching you as you carefully walked out from behind nanami to give the white haired sorcerer a curious once over. “you are already a big enough of a pain as it is.”

much to his dismay though, you seem to warm up to gojo really well; even letting him pick you up and run about the campus to show you off to the rest of the staff and student body - confirming nanami’s belief that today was going to be a very long day

the students will love you - you are known as quite the formidable sorcerer who can take down special grade curses with ease; but right now you were curled up around fushiguro’s devine dog, playing with its fluffy tail in delight

you were dragged about to meet the second years as well, who were all so infatuated by their sometimes part time teacher being shrunk down into a child

nanami might go to ieiri for advice, and when he was told that it’d wear off naturally, he was more reassured, since this isn’t a permanent change

because you have other options to be with others, you did tend to avoid nanami in favour of more nicer people; and unfortunately to nanami, this fact did not go unnoticed by gojo

“is it just me, or is Y/N avoiding you more and more, kento-kun?”

“shut up, gojo.”

feel like he’d just leave you alone for the most part whilst he goes about his day, trying to return to his day as usual

but he does do things like make sure you’re not wandering about causing trouble for others, making sure you’re eating something healthy and not just get fed sweets by gojo, and making sure that you’re not getting into mischief

by the end of the day, nanami would be dead tired - since he had to deal with you whilst doing his normal thing at the college. so when his shift ended, he was more than willing to bring you home and hope for the best

when he woke up the next day, having slept on the couch so that you can have the bed, he sleepily went to go and check on you; taking a deep breath to prepare himself if you were still a child

much to his relief, you were back to normal; now curled up on his side of the bed. so he’d wordlessly just get under the covers and pull you into his chest, causing you to stir sleepily. “kento..?”

“go back to sleep, darling.” he’d mumble softly into your shoulder as he nuzzles close, causing you to blink back at him in confusion at how affectionate he was being this morning.

eventually though you found out from all the videos gojo took of you whilst you were a child, causing you to laugh as you wrapped your arms around your unamused boyfriend. “at least you know you’re going to be a good father.”

“i think that can wait for a little later, darling.”

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