Itadori Yūji (ft. Sukuna): sleeping together

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This man is a human heater. He’s so warm. Is it because he has Satan living in him? Probably

He’s a blanket stealer, but a weird blanket stealer. He’s legit trained himself to wake up every so often to see if he has the blanket; he puts it over you if he does and immediately falls back asleep

He has to be touching you in some sort of way. He also sprawls out so it’s usually his leg thrown across yours

Do not be alarmed if you wake up and he isn’t in bed; he’s literally three feet away from you making a sandwich in the dark while trying to be as quiet as possible. He’s really good at it by the way.

One night you got up to pee and saw Yuji was sitting at the table eating a sandwich. But instead of smiling and telling you, he’ll be there in a second, he froze. It was Sukuna. He literally just maintained eye contact with you, mouth puffed out bc he was mid-chew until you shrugged and went on with your business. He shrugged and kept eating. By the time you got back, Yuji was back in bed. 

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