Dad!Nanami (ft. Uncle!Gojo)

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“Where’s my favorite kid?” I looked up at the sound of uncle gojo’s voice. “Happy birthday kiddo! You are now 5 years old! Wow you have grown so much!” I smiled and told him, “Papa said that I will soon be able to go to school and make new friends!” As I was talking to Uncle Gojo I saw Papa walking downstairs holding 5 big presents. “Come on y/n we have to go to pick up megumi so we can celebrate your birthday.” I got up and opened the front door to run towards the car. “No! You don’t need Megumi because I am here! Your favorite uncle!” I looked back to see Gojo pouting, “Go away Gojo.” I laughed at my Papa’s deadpan expression and stuck my tongue out at Gojo. He ran towards me and engulfed me in a hug, “Your Papa is being mean to me y/nnnn.” He whined and hid behind me. “Let go of my kid gojo! Leave us alone.” I was quickly pulled into my Papa’s safe arms, I latched onto him and waved goodbye to Uncle Gojo. “byeee y/n have a good birthday!” He waved back. “Unfortunately he will forever be a leech we can not get rid of.” My Papa sighed. I giggled and leaned my head onto my Papa’s shoulder. I felt him relax and kiss the top of my head, “Happy Birthday! I love you.” “I love you too Papa!” 

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