Nobara Kugisaki: S/O with a demon curse technique

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♡ Nobara loves watching you open your sword and see it regain it’s color, would never admit it but she secretly hopes you break it so she can see if a new sword means a new color.

♡ You once told her that her sword was forged from the strongest material and she tried to smash it with her hammer, she made a dent at most.

♡ She thinks your regeneration is super useful and doesn’t worry about you too much but get’s a little sad at the fact you can’t go shopping with her out in the day.

♡ Loves to hear you talk about everything you’ve seen come and ago for however long you’ve been around, likes to talk about development and never get’s tired of hearing your voice.

♡ If you’ve killed people Nobara isn’t going to hold it against you and she’ll try to put herself in your shoes so you don’t have to tackle everything on alone.

♡ Tall buildings illuminated by late hour offices and blinding street lights filled your vision, in awe at the lively night life, people passing by with their children and cars honking loudly in traffic. A firm hand held your and guided you around with ease as if she’s been here a hundred times, which she probably has.

If it weren’t for her you’d have been left in the crowd wandering aimlessly in and out of shops, insisting you go shopping with her Nobara paced around all day until the sun went down to drag you out into the bustling city. Stopping outside packed stored and peering into windows of little shops she was overjoyed at finally getting to spend time with you, nighttime was her favorite time as it meant you could travel to and from without worrying about the sun rays damaging your skin.

“Oh! That jacket would look really cute with the boots I got!” hauling you into another shop you sat outside the dressing room while Nobara laced her boots and slipped a neon jacket over her shoulds, “How do I look?”

“Amazing as always” with soft eyes you watched her give you a spin and show off the bright designs that littered the sleeves before switching out her shoes and shrugging the jacket off.

Radiating with joy she bought her items before letting you decide where to stop next, “Ah, I’m not too sure since a lot of places closed already”

Guilt knocked at your heart, if it weren’t for your technique the two of you could travel as far she wanted whenever she wanted without having to hide from the sun.

“I don’t mind though, as long as I get to spend time with you I’d be happy going anywhere”

Wrapping herself around your arm Nobara pressed a loving kiss to your cold cheek that seemed to gain some warmth at the affection given, “Are you sure?”

“Of course I am! Now let’s go”

As long as it was with her anywhere was fine.

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