s/o turning into a child - Megumi Fushiguro

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poor boy definitely got the shock of his life - you were sitting on his bed playing with his devine dog when he entered the bathroom, but when he came out, a child you was seated there giggling and tugging at the soft fur of his devine dog

he’d just stand there with the most confused look on his face, entirely frozen since he wasn’t sure what’s going on and how to go about this situation

you’d look over and see him standing there with a deadpan expression - and let’s be honest, fushiguro’s deadpan expression is probably really scary

you’d probably freeze up and your bottom lip start to wobble as you hide your face into his devine dog’s fur to try and hide away from him; the dog unsure to go to his owner or stay with you, who he was taught to take care of as well

fushiguro might just walk out and leave you without a word, which made you blink in confusion at how weird the man was; only to return with a confused yuji who had been dragged out from his room wordlessly

“oh my god - it’s a mini Y/N!” Yuji would say with a laugh before he walks towards you, squatting down beside the bed with a smile whilst you looked over at him with teary eyes. “hello there, my name is Yuji.”

to be honest, who will not be drawn to the sunshine that is Yuji? So you quickly warm up to him and even let him take your hand in his before he led you out the room so he can show you about

he would be so offended - why do you find him scary, but you’d so readily follow Yuji, who you just met as well?

but he wouldn’t show it on his face, since he’s good with hiding his emotions; lowkey really hurt though

“gojo-sensei! come look at Y/N-san!” Yuji would call out to their teacher, who might be walking past the dorms at that moment; the tall shaman laughing when he saw a mini you staring up at him in awe.

“oh my god - it’s a tiny Y/N!” he’d say with a laugh before he squatted down and grinned over at you, to which you tilted your head curiously at him. “hello there, student of mine - my name is gojo-sensei.”

the three of you are going to cause absolute mayhem for the rest of the day - to the point where fushiguro might feel a tiny ounce of regret for going to yuji for help

when nobara was introduced to you, she couldn’t stop pinching your cheeks, cooing at how you’d smile up at her even as she was gently pinching your cheeks between her fingers. “you are such a cute baby, it’s not fair!”

she would definitely dress you up, wanting to take his opportunity to take a bunch of cute pictures of you wearing things like different accessories; might even ask if she can put some makeup on you so you’d look like a little doll

whenever fushiguro tries to talk to you, you’d get scared because he isn’t one to be super soft like nobara can be, or super friendly and warm like gojo or yuji - so that in itself didn’t help

you’d probably try and hide in yuji’s jacket or refuse to let gojo set you down on the ground when you see megumi close, which irritates the poor teen even more

yuji might try to help him talk to you by giving him some advice on how to handle kids, but you’d still be hesitant around him since he is just too awkward to know exactly on how to approach you

now he was definitely certain he is not interested in having kids anymore

eventually though he might just give up and let you be, hoping that he’d get his lover back soon so he doesn’t have to deal with this entire situation

when you came back the next day, super confused to why yuji is asking you if you felt okay because you felt fine?

until he explains the situation, and the first thing you did is went to fushiguro’s room and quietly entered his room to see what he’s up to

“thank god.” was the first thing you heard before you felt a pair of heavy arms wrapped around you protectively and a warm face buried into your neck; fushiguro’s hair tickling your cheek. “i am never going to take you for granted again.”

“i think you’re being a bit overdramatic.” you said with a light chuckle as you wrapped your arms around him as well, letting him recharge after yesterday’s events and the from the lack of affection he got from you. “yuji told me you’re terrible with kids.”

at first he will not say anything, but he did let out a soft grunt as he nuzzles closer, his warm hands reaching under your shirt to splay them over the small of your back. “by the way, if we ever get married, we are never going to have kids.”

you’d just roll your eyes at his words, shaking your head softly before you reach up to start playing with his hair between your fingers. “whatever you say, gumi.”

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