Being Nanami's house-spouse headcanon

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Warning- fluff


Being Nanami’s housespouse….

Wouldn’t be a difficult job, he’d make sure not to be difficult.

Oftentimes he liked to be independent, but even if he was you still did things for him.

For example in the mornings before going to work he liked when you would do his tie for him. He knew how to do his own tie, but he preferred when you would.

Also before going to work you liked making breakfast for him so you could both eat at the same time. Sometimes he did let you sleep in though and hehad your breakfast ready for when you’d wake up.

While he was working you usually liked going out doing your own hobbies, grocery shopping, or just shopping for other things in general.

That’s where you’d buy stuff for yourself and him too.

When you could, you would take him lunch to his work, he said you didn’t have to but you liked it, and you knew he liked it too.

In the afternoons, before he got home from work, you usually liked having the food ready for when he came home. He was oftentimes tired so you enjoyed having a hot meal ready for him.

Also in that time is when you talked about each other’s day. You’d ask how work went, what’d he seen and or anything really.

Nanami always made sure to ask about your day and how you were. After the meal was done he helped you wash the dishes, you’d both take turns washing and drying

And of course you could always use a dishwasher, but you both liked that small moment you spent together.

After that all was over, depending on the mood, or if he didn’t have some other work emergency, you both liked staying home and doing calm things. That or going out to take a walk, or going do something in the city.

At night it’s when you really relaxed, there was times where you fixed him bath, or he fixed one for you. But usually at night it was just the two of you enjoying each other’s company.

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