Hot Things the Jujutsu Kaisen Men Do

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Getou is literally going to be such a gentleman. I refuse to believe he isn't
He would be the kind of guy to walk his fingers across your back as he reached around your waist then pull you into his side as he pinched your hip
Getou is beautiful so when he catches you staring (you know you would stare. Don't lie) he would lean forward so he met your gaze and would smirk before reaching out to twirl a piece of your hair around his finger. He'd give it a little tug before sitting back in satisfaction at the blush on your cheeks
His chill demeanor is so attractive as well. He'd literally just do whatever you want
He loves his kimonos, probably the only thing he will ever wear, but he will leave the top half loose so his chest can be on display. (Think Shigure Sohma from fruits basket)
He loves to tease you. He will raise his eyebrows and stick his tongue to the inside of his cheek as he does this. So hot.
He also loves to look down at you with hooded eyes rather than crane his neck to look down. His gaze often comes off as seductive, so you easily get heated over that


I am detrimentally I'm love with this man
He would definitely speak to you with his big business man voice most of the time and it's so hot for him like COME ON I'd pay to be degraded by him
He would lend you his button up shirts when you came over because he loves it when you sleep in them. Loves fucking you in them even more. He'd button it back up after you both finish and to me that's so attractive idk bro
He'd be so gentle but so stern. Same way in bed. Yep. Totally.
He would hold your hand in public and grip it tighter when he caught someone checking you out. I think he'd be secure in his relationship with you, but jealous Nanami is sexy okay? Okay.
His confidence and security is so hot too good lord above. The way he is just so commanding...
Nanami would also be having a drink after work, tie loose around his neck as he threw his head back against the chair and swirled the ice in his gin and tonic and groaned
Nanami would roll up his sleeves as you talk to him, head angled down as his eyes never leave yours. You'd be turned into a stuttering mess and he would play clueless, but his smirk gave him away
He wouldn't know how hot he is


He is like the hot asshole jock dude you went to high school with
He KNOWS he's hot and he won't let you forget it
He would constantly be leaning over you, showing off his impressive height. He loves showing you how small you are compared to him. Definitely comes into play in the bedroom as well...
He'd also be an unofficial/official sugar daddy. He'd pay for everything your little heart could desire
He'd also be the type to not even look at a bill before slapping his card on it, knowing it's not a problem
Gojo would be the type of guy to stretch his long limbs in a way that allows his shirt to pull up just enough to tease you. His white happy trail accenting his delicious abs
He would send you a wink every time he caught you staring at him (on sunglasses days) and he'd have the perfect boyish smirk to compliment it
Also, he's a man spreader, but it works for him. He'd pull you by the hips/waist to have you sit on his thigh or lap every time you walk by
Gojo fucking Satoru is too sexy for his own good.


He's a dilf. Boom. I could leave it at that. Dilfs are hot. Superior men.
But anywho, Toji would flex his massive size any chance he got. He'd grab the tops of doorframes, leaning into it so his shirt stretched across his muscles.
He would also be the kind of guy that would grab your waist from behind if you were trying to reach something on a top shelf. 50% of the time he will grab it and 50% of the time he will full on lift you up to grab it.
Definitely grabs your face to kiss you. A cheek pincher too so you pucker up for him
He would have a 5 o'clock shadow every other day and it's so attractive on him. Definitely a dilf thing if you ask me
Toji would always have an arm back behind you in any chair or seat. That's also including when he is reversing in a car. He'd do THE THING when backing up. He'd even throw you a wink as he did it
He would also always have a hand on your knee. He'd be a tease and squeeze up and down your thigh at inconvenient moments
I feel like he would have a manly scent that was distinct to him. It wouldn't be stinky or anything, just unique and manly and delicious because it's Toji Fushiguro

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