Inumaki Toge: dating would include...

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being one of the few who can understand Inumakj clearly. Even when he’s talking in Ingredients

His tone and the way he pronounces things like kelp, tuna, etc tell you everything that you need to know

“Tuna tuna”

“I totally get what you mean”

Hanging out with the Tokyo school second years a lot

Panda thinks that you and Toge are really cute ☺️ Maki on the other hand… she scuffs when you’re affectionate in front of her

Inumaki doesn’t train with you a lot. Mostly because he wouldn’t dream of using his cursed technique on you unless it was absolutely necessary

“Please spare with me Toge”

“Fish flakes”

“Fine, maybe I can convince Panda instead”

You’re not able to share kisses a lot because Inumaki’s mouth is usually covered so you give him a lot of forehead kisses that makes him absolutely melt

Also head pats. Please give him plenty of head pats

Toge loves holding your hand. His fingers are almost always intertwined with yours

Because words of affirmation aren’t Inumaki’s specialty he turns to other acts of affection to show you how he cares. For example the physical actions previously mentioned

His personal favourite thing to do is acts of service. He’s always doing sweet little things to you to make up for the fact he can’t as easily say “I love you”

“Aw Toge, you didn’t have to do this for me. This is really sweet”


Your boyfriend is a lot goofier than some might believe him to be. He always knows how to make you laugh and smile

But as chill and fun as Inumaki is, a different side of him comes out whenever he thinks you’re endanger

He’s very protective of you and he can become really serious when it comes to keeping you safe. Inumaki will go to any means necessary to stop a curse from hurting you. Even if it means hurting himself by overdoing his curse technique

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