Dating Gojo Things

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Would consist of constant outings to several different sweet shops. It's no secret this man has a sweet tooth. Every Saturday he has off from being the world's strongest sorcerer, you're going out for some mochi or ice cream.
And okay, let's address this right now: when he's loyal, he's loyal. ofc he's had his fair share of those tinder 'dates,' but it's you he wants to be with.
Gojo will try his best to help you around your home even if it is him just getting the cobwebs in the corners because he's so tall.
Can be SO clingy, especially if he's been away on a mission. Sometimes he'll want to come home to you to jump your bones and/or just snuggle the heck out of you. Both tend to happen often.
Surprisingly, his taste in home decor is pretty minimalist. Not much furniture in his house, just the basic stuff since he was hardly home before he met you. Maybe a photo here and there but not much.
Tbh, he's neat-ish too. Sometimes the dishes and laundry can pile up, but it's hard finding time to do household chores when he's either working/training, and eventually trying to spend time with you.
You'll know when this man wants to get it on when he starts to get handsy and showers you in kisses all over your body
Will not hesitate to fool around on the spot (on the counters, couch, bathtub, etc.) high libido
Usually when he's had a bad day, he'll want to turn in for the night early with you by his side all snuggled up together.
Will cook when you come home too tired to do anything. Sometimes he'll call Nanami or Yuji for help. He loves your meals.
Total sucker for just staring at the sky - day or night - with you.
Probably most definitely tries to have dinners or some movie night type-deal with his first years and you. He loves to see everyone having a good time.
Probably the kind of guy that has his volume on loud when he's watching videos on his phone - specifically when he wants your attention
Your main hype man. Not liking how you look in those pants or that shirt? Gojo got you. Not liking your reflection today? Gojo. GOJO. GOT. YOU. BABE. He's your biggest fan.
Not that he'll get jealous of his students, but he can be a bit huffy if you pay just too much attention to them over him.
Now other people hitting on his s/o? uh, no. He'll walk right over and put an arm around you or give you a kiss right in front of them.
not above PDA, but he'd keep it respectful if that's what you wanted.
"Baby, baby, baby."
Your boyfriend, Gojo Satoru, had plopped right down beside you on the couch, putting his arm around you. "What if I told you-" grinning, he paused to take your phone from your hand, "-that there's a new ice cream shop down the block from us?" You smiled at him.
"And what if I told you that I already went down and got us some for tonight?"
It was like you had just told the cutest kid that they could pick anything from the candy aisle, because Satoru's eyes glistened with pure excitement. He pecked your cheeks, forehead, and finally your lips. You couldn't help but giggle.
"Have I told you that I love you lately?"

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