Kugisaki Nobara: sleeping together

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The big spoon. It doesn’t matter if you’re taller/bigger than her. She’s the big spoon. Do not argue.

Blanket stealer. But that’s okay because she sleeps with six pillows and six more blankets. If she steals the comforter, she has a soft fuzzy blanket balled up somewhere you can just steal that’s equally as warm.

The bed is also full of controllers bc she puts on Netflix to sleep. You guys pick out a different movie at bedtime to fall asleep, and it’s usually one of the same like five movies in rotation.

She’s a kicker. And a puncher. She sleeps with her mouth open and her hair in a teeny bun. She sprawls out. All of this is done in the most elegant way you’ve ever seen.

She always ends up sleeping with some sort of light on, but not because she wants to if that makes sense. There’s always light from something; the tv, a salt lamp, the defuser, and sometimes the led lights don’t get turned off. HATES waking up to natural light, though, so she has heavy blackout curtains across every window

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