Fushiguro Megumi: sleeping together

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A very light sleeper (unless he’s sick/healing) and a very calm sleeper. Don’t expect him to toss and turn all night.

He prefers to sleep in complete darkness and silence. On nights he’s feeling spontaneous, though, he has a soft blue or purple light he turns on, and occasionally he’ll turn on soft music that turns off automatically.

When you’re ready to go to bed he’ll hold you until you fall asleep. He’s very good at telling if you’re faking or actually asleep. Right as he falls asleep he usually turns away while still staying very close to you.

Sometimes he’ll roll over and pull you close and nuzzle into whatever body part his face just landed in; he isn’t aware of this so don’t bring it up, hell be embarrassed.

Some nights he has trouble sleeping. You’ll wake up and he’s either reading on his phone (literally this boy has dark mode, nightlight and his screen turned all the way down just for you) or he’s out taking a walk in the woods. 

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