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I feel like the second Gojo got baby fever was when you were helping a child find their parents after they got lost during your guy’s date.

It was probably the way you helped calm the child down from their understandable crying fit and how motherly you acted like carrying the child in your arms and making them giggle before you both managed to find their parents.

Ever since that little incident, he would make little hints here and there to you from the start since he didn’t want to be too forward at first.

“Babe~ look how cute these shoes are? So tiny~”

“Then find the same in your size, they’re toddler shoes Satoru”

“Honey, this coat looks good don’t you think?”

“Baby, you can’t even fit your finger in the baby jacket, what’s with your obsession with these things?”

After his tiny hints didn’t go through to you, he would just slyly bring up the topic of children in a random conversation you two would be having.

Like during a cuddling session on his expensive chair after yours and his classes.

“What do you think about having children?”

Of course, you would say that you’ll have to ‘think about it’ because you are worried about the possibilities that could happen since you both are sorcerers (if you’re not a sorcerer - you’ll worry about what will happen to Gojo even when he tells you not to worry)

After this lovely conversation, even though you told him you’ll think about it, this guy will beg you from time to time but understands that it is also your decision since it is your body.

“Our little kikufuku would look so adorable with mine and your genes, come on think about it”

“How are you giving our non existing child a food nickname already?”

Over time, you will warm up about the idea about having a child with the white-haired sorcerer and will tell him that you are up of it - of course, he is ecstatic that you agreed to have a baby with him and will immediately drag you to your shared bed to start off~

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