Gojo Satoru: sleeping together

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Most nights you’re actually not getting any sleep because Gojo is a tease. He cannot keep his hands to himself and this escalates to other things.

He’s clingy. Oh so clingy. He will wrap both arms and legs around you to keep you from going anywhere. He feels like an anchor. God forbid you to have to wake up before him.

His sleep schedule is wack though. There are so many different variables to this; he neglects paperwork until just before it’s due, he gets sent overseas a lot and gets used to different time zones, being the strongest he gets called off on emergency missions no matter the time of day, etc. He gets angry if you try to stay up for him (in a cute way) and forces you to bed (by throwing you over his shoulder, slamming you into bed, covering you up, and threatening to handcuff you to the bed [but you would like that wouldn’t you]) so some nights you fall sleep without him. You also wake up without him a lot. But neither of these happens frequently enough to be depressing.

When he’s out of town on business, he facetimes you when you’re ready to fall asleep. It doesn’t matter what time it is or what he’s doing (the only time he won’t do this is mid-battle), you wanted to fall asleep to his voice so you’re falling asleep to his voice. He sings songs, tells stupid stories, tells you about memes he sees, etc. Until you fall asleep. He then stays for a while and just listens to you breathe, which makes him happy.

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