Chapter 8 - The Technique Of Healing Life Force

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"Sister in law, are you sure it can be healed?" Vaibhav looked at his legs which are covered by a silk. He still couldn't believe what he heard from his sister in law.

Nandini smiled at his confused face "as I said second prince, you worry too much. Just relax your mind so that you can take process and absorb the reality"

He nodded. If this could happen then you it would be a miracle for him. He was longing for this to happen. To be able to stand on his legs again and ride his long left horse. To practice his war techniques again. It feels like a dream.

"Oh, you can and after today that won't stay as your dream again because you will be able to live that I'm reality" Nandini's voice broke his thought as he looked at her stunned. She could she what he was thinking that clearly?

"I am not omnipotent but your though clearly written on your face so guessing it with little thought was not hard" she again replied.

Vaibhav shook his head "for the first time in my life I am amazed by a woman sister in law. Whatever it is, your guess is too accurate to argue"

Nandini laughed then looked outside the window. It was almost dusk now. The sun was set and the west sky was stained with red-orange colour. She sighed then looked back at him.

"It's time. The treatment will take much time. You need to keep your patience to corporate with it or it will be ruined instantly" she warned.

Vaibhav nodded "don't worry sister in law. I have been waiting for such a long already. And today is something I am too exited to get overwhelmed by emotions. Sister can do her works peacefully and can take as much time as required" then he paused before sighing "I have already put my all trust in your words and there's no turning back now. For long I have witnessed and endured too many treatments but always failed. Even if today it does not work this brother in law will take the responsibility"

Nandini observed his facial then shook her head "I won't do anything that I am not sure about second prince. Giving false hope is not my nature. My point is as clear as water, if it can be then yes and it not then never"

Vaibhav nodded totally liking the straight forwards attitude of his sister in law "I agree, I believe you"

Nandini nodded "in that case, without wasting any more moment we should start now. Remember it might be little painful but I can guarantee it will endurable" she glanced towards the two maids standing behind her.

Atropa and Ageratina took the gesture and quickly arranged the needed equipments on table. Nandini sat on stool near Vaibhav's bed and removed the silk cloth covering his legs.

She looked at Vaibhav who was lying on bed "I will do some examination tell me if you feel anything through it"

Vaibhav nodded and watched her using index and middle finger to tap on his numb legs. He don't know what she is doing but he has trust on her and quite exited to see what going to happen next. When Nandini tapped below his knee and suddenly pressured it hard he winced. His eyes widened with shock. All these year he never felt any pain on his lower part of body from thigh to toe but today he certainly felt pain when she pressured.

Nandini smiled at him "you felt?"

Vaibhav nodded rapidly still in shock. While Nandini let out a laugh.

"Oh, I thought it will be little hard work and was exited but looks like it's not" she shook her head and looked at the table "Atropa Needles are pointless here"

Atropa walked forward and grabbed the set of fine needles spread out on table then folded it before removing it from table. Vaibhav watched how the two maids done their work without any words. He must praise the way they behave. They would understand every single words coming from Nandini without any hesitation or difficulty. How did Nandini trained them this perfectly? He never seen any maids behaving like this.

"Your legs are in good condition. They don't need hard treatment as I expected. Your legs still has it will power and you are lucky that because of this the poison in your body did not have much affect on it" Nandini explained as she tapped on other legs and Vaibhav winced again. She turned and smiled "good"

Ageratina put a bowl of lukewarm water with a cloth. Nandini socked the cloth in water before placing it on his legs where she tapped earlier. She cleaned the legs carefully then put the cloth on bowl again while Ageratina took the bowl and left. Vaibhav watched the action totally amazed. After this he should learn some secrets to train servent  from his sister in law. It might help in future.

"I am going to start now. Remember whatever you see  whatever I do will remain between us. I have trust that's why you are still conscious" Nandini told him.

"Don't worry sister in law. This secret is safe with me. I won't ask unnecessary question nor I will enquire anything to know. If sister want to tell then I will listen and if not then my lips are sealed"

Nandini nodded totally satisfied with his response. Smart people don't need example to understand things. Just a hint is enough.

"Go burn it" She ordered and Atropa nodded before pulling out a stick like thing. She put it in the flame and the tip of the stick started to burn and making a thick smoke. Stopes handed one stick to Nandini and she held other.

Nandini turned and put the burning point near the joint of knee. Just an inch away from the skin. Vaibhav can feel the heat becoming higher. Nandini put her fingers then gently massage his knee while he felt the maid named Atropa was also holding the burning point on his other leg.

"It will produce quite sensation in your body. You have to endure until the stick is completely burnt. As a prince you can endure it a little"

Vaibhav nodded "I will"

"Good" she replied continuing her works. After an hour the the burning dimmed and Nandini put away the stick. The area was turned red and all Vaibhav can feel was pain of heat. It was not like the burning of skin but the similar to it. Nandini pulled out a bottle of oil before taking it and gently massaging it on the spot. Once she is done, she got up and Atropa covered covered Vaibhav's legs with silk cloth again.

"It is done, don't try to move your body for three days. Let your body absorb the treatment perfectly so it will help you heal faster. And don't drink the medicine of the medic. The medicine was not bed but your body need to take complete absorption of the heat. Do you understand?"

Vaibhav nodded again. Whatever happened today was something he never seen before. How could he refuse her order. He laid on bed and agreed to whatever she says.

"My maid will come and prepare your meal to nourish your body to heal faster. After 3 days I will check you again. Till then rest well" Nandini said before smiling and leaving his room. While Atropa Arranged the equipments and left silently.

Vaibhav laid there silently trying to process what just happened now.

Okay let me tell you about the treatment Nandini used on Vaibhav.

It is called Moxibustion,  a type of traditional Chinese medicine which involves burning moxa, a cone or stick made of ground mugwort leaves, on or near your body's meridians and acupuncture points. It is believed that the resulting heat helps stimulate these points and improves the flow of qi or energy in body.

This is just a brief description, you can search it on google about it if you are interested in knowing farther how it works or gives benefits.

*No offense while using a treatment process* 😁

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