Chapter 23 - A Mistaken Fall

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In the room a man was lying on bed with his eyes closed. The cloth on his body is already torn apart only leaving with his pants on. His chest has holes, soaked with blood and the wounds are too deep piercing the skin almost showing white bones.

Arak placed the last arrow on table then cleaned his hand and a junior disciple brought a tray where some small medical equipment laid on it. Master monk watched the man on bed before fixing his gaze on Arak.

"How's his condition?"

Arak hold a small needle before attaching a thin white thread at the bottom "master, as I see those arrows are highly poisoned and the intention of attacking clearly means to kill him instantly. The skin is pierced so deep that the bones are almost visible. I can removed the poison from his body but still his condition won't be good either"

Saying this Arak pulled out some small bags from his medical box before opening the bags and applying the paste on the wounds before using his needle to stich the opened skin. Once he is done he bandaged the wounds to cover.

"My works is done here master, I can't handle more than this" Arak informed.

Master monk nodded his head then glanced towards the junior disciple standing at door side "go, tell Aiyara to come here"

The junior disciple nodded and left hurriedly. Master monk turned to look at Arak "since you are done, go back to your work"

"Yes master" Arak bowed before leaving.

Master monk's gaze felt on the unconscious person lying on bed. He narrowed his eyes as he looked at him.

"Master" a female voice sounded from behind. Aiyara walked in slowly.

"Arak has already done his work removing the poison from his body. But the body's wound is not taken care of, you need to fix it as soon as possible" master monk said.

Aiyara looked at him "master find him suspicious?"

Master monk shook his head "there's more story in it. But that can be discuss later but what more important is to make him well"

"I understand master" Aiyara did not said more and walk towards the bed where the unknown man lying to start the treatment while during the whole process master monk did not averted his gaze from the person.

Back in empress's room Nandini was sipping on her tea calmly. Manik was with her in the room and Ageratina serving.

"Atropa is not back yet?" Nandini raised her eyebrow.

Ageratina purses her lips in thin line before shaking her head. A kind of knowing glint flashed in her eyes but her expression did not changed at all.

"It's already late, where is Vaibhav?" Manik frowned.

"You need him for something?" Nandini asked.

"No, it's just I did not even see his silhouette since morning" Manik shook his head.

Nandini placed the tea cup on table "then let him be. Besides he is a grown man, he can decide for himself. What do you think of today's event your majesty?"

Manik frowned "looking at that person's feature it is clear that he is a general in the army. But what confusing is that how he wounded that deeply and appeared at the temple door out of nowhere"

"Your Majesty is sure that he is general?" Nandini asked.

Manik nodded "yes, he has golden lion head on his shoulder armour which is kind of sign only given to the first-ranked general in the army"

"But is not every royalty has different sign to express?" Nandini frowned.

"Yes, but the golden lion head is same. It's not changeble because the lion express the great power and loyalty so only first ranked generals are given such sign to make their rank different from others"

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