Chapter 60 - Beauty In Patchal

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In Patchal, there was a beautiful luxurious residence spread widely, which was more bigger than other residence in the state and it was the residence of Deputy minister of Patchal. The former deputy was used to be the uncle of current deputy minister, and after his death the current deputy minister seized the title eventually.

Inside the residence in the southern courtyard a beautiful girl sat before the mirror dressing up and wearing jewelries. The maid beside her smiled and choose as new arrived gold earing.

"Young miss looks more beautiful when you wear this gold jewellery. Even deputy master ordered to all the jewelry shops to send the first arrival of new jewelleries for young miss. Many of the young miss in Patchal really envy our young miss" the maid said with bright smile.

The young lady smiled "you are just probing but what others thinks is not something I can change. I want want to make father happy and content"

"Your miss is too generous for thinking so lightly. I have heard mistress said there are numbers of proposal for our young miss. But none of them seems match to our young miss"

Hearing that the young lady smiled but didn't replied.  She picked up a white gem bracelet and twirled it with her fingers.

"Young miss what kind of man you desire in your heart? If you say this then deputy master may try to find according to your wish" the maid said again.

"It's hard to find good matches now a days" the young lady replied "if I were to choose I want someone to be strong, handsome and high in position. If a man does not have such thing then what's the point of engaging with him. Besides the world only knows powers so I have to held high so no one can look down on me"

"Young miss said truly. With young miss's appearance and talents which man would want to let you go? Even if it was the emperor himself, he will be bewitched the moment he see you" the maid replied proudly.

"Jina don't talk nonsense. Others will misunderstand if they hear you. No matter how true your word is you should not express it so freely"

"My apology young miss. I slipped my tongue for a moment. Please forgive me" the maid said immediately kneeling on ground.

"It's fine, get up. You are my personal maid and you don't have to do that. Just remember, it's not convenient for you to talk like this in future" the young miss said sternly.

"Yes young miss" the maid nodded getting up from ground.

"What's happening?" A rough maid voice sounded in the room.

"Father" the young lady stand up and smiled brightly when she saw the middle aged man walked in with a woman beside him "mother" she exclaimed happily.

"What my Pari was telling?" Deputy minister said to his daughter lovingly.

"It's nothing father, she was just slipped her tongue so I was lecturing her. But why are you so late father?" The young lady who was called Pari asked pouting. Her beautiful face made was shining under the light of sun reaching through windows.

"Father went to make some arrangements outside. As I told you the emperor sending a official here so I had to make some arrangements for it" Deputy minister replied as he laughed.

"Official?" Pari frowned "is it really needed. No one came fr capital so why they come this time?"

"The emperor is changed so there will be some changes. Besides even though we love outside the capital, Patchal is still belong to Samrat and we have not declared as independent state apart from it" Deputy minister replied.

"Will they do anything?" Pari asked with concern.

Deputy minister laughed "you don't have to worry about it. Father know what to do"

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