Chapter 72 - Afterwards

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It has been delayed for a long time. Hope you guys also doing well. It is weekend timing and somehow boring. So let's take a short break and enjoy something funny and warming.

Weekend Update

Enjoy reading


The chaos happened in the Fall Side Resturant though it was settled but the after affects was still there and reflecting inside the deputy residence. Himat was so angry that the veins of his body almost popped out of his skin. Suhan didn't follow them but went back to his home while Pari looked at the elderly person before her. She couldn't help but feel anxious. This is the first time she is witnessing her father to be this angry. She don't know how to console him as every plan she made is not working in the end.

"Father" she called out trying to say something but when thr man turned around with thunderous glare, she couldn't speak at all.

"What do you want to say more?" Himat almost snapped. He never raised voice on her but this time he couldn't control himself from lashing out.

"If you were planning something you should take care of everything for people not to find any trace later. But what you did? Who told you to bring that brothel girl and creat such big scene? You made me lose all my face before everyone today. You disappointed me so much that now I am even losing trust on you"

His words stabbed like a sharp knife in Pari's heart. After her mother's death, she has been trying to adjust everything her father wants to become the reputed yet perfect daughter of the residence but today she is feeling like all her gained reputation is slipping away one by one. She couldn't help but feel anxious and anger at the same time.

"Father, you have been raising me for years and teaching me all the things. How could you think that I will leave traces behind to get myself in trouble?" Her face stained with tears "though I planned to some drugs to ruin the reputation of the assistant officer but at last it didn't work. That's where my plan lacked but I don't know about that brothel woman. Why she was there and how he got to stain my name before everyone, I know nothing? Even if my plan fails, I really won't use some cheap woman in my plan. Besides today is the first time I meet that woman and also heard about her existence"

Himat looked at the girl crying before him. He felt tugging inside his heart. Today he was so angry that he almost lost his sanity to judge things and lash out on his beloved daughter. Now that Pari had said something like this he couldn't help but frown.

"You are not the one who brought that woman?"

Pari shook her head "father, what benefits will I gain involving a brothel woman there? There's no role for her to be there. In the side room it should be the assistant officer but I don't know how it was replaced by that brothel woman"

"Them how come that woman was so sure about your and even showing the evidence? Does Suhan has anything to do in this?"

"No, I asked him but he refused. I also thought at first it could be him but later I understood that this plan is specially made for him so he won't do anything to ruin it"  Pari replied.

"Made for him? What do you mean by that?" Himat's frown deepend as he couldn't understand.

Pari looked at him "father cousin Suhan is bewitched by the beauty of that assistant officer and he asked me to help him. Besides I also think that assistant officer is somehow too resisting, and it was her who preventing us to grow with put plan. If she stand stills then we won't get chance to persuade the inspection officer at all. Today's plan was made to stain assistant officer's reputation. Though she is an official but still she is a woman and no woman can stand still if her reputation is ruined. So the togetherness with those officials daughters was just to let them witness but if there's someone who come forward and speak then today's event won't be that effective on her reputation. Besides after this we will also have her weak point to control her. This will it will help Suhan to save the assistant officer from scandal and give is opportunity to progress our plan. But in between I don't know how that brothel woman suddenly showed up"

After listening all Himat realised the actual motive of the plan. If it was successful then it would have given them good opportunity to get hold on those officers but unfortunately it didn't go well as their expectations at all.

"Since the brothel woman showed up ruining everything then there must be someone who is leading from behind and we couldn't see it" Himat shook his head.

"Father could this be the assistant officer?" Pari asked.

Himat shook his head "I don't think so, though she is related to official status but hiring a brothel woman is not easy that too in such a place which is new. This could not be her"

"But then who could it be?"

"I don't know, but whoever done this, he or she knew your plan beforehand and prepared everything in advance. That person is too smart to catch"

Pari felt anxiety inside her heart "father what should we do now?"

Himat looked at her "it will be better not to take any action these days. You have caused a great amount of scene and ruined your reputation among those high class families. So you need to stay inside the residence and take the punishment and look where you lack to get fail again and again" saying this he left  leaving her behind.

Pari looked at his retreating back as she clenched her fist tightly.

On the other hand in guest residence,it was already night time and the atmosphere was quite peaceful. The dim lights of candle bathing the room. All the servants has already retreated leaving only two person inside the silent room. The won wore a silk night dress and her hair was open which reach to her waist while the man sat on armchair in resting manner.

"I didn't know your majesty will come to watch the drama in restaurant" Nandini said leaning against the arm of the couch smilingly.

Manik glanced at her then poured a glass of wine "such a good scene , how could I miss? people should keep themselves entertained to stay healthy"

Hearing the comment Nandini almost rolled her eyes "your majesty really do know how to joke"

Manik smiled "am I?"

Nandini shook her head "how come your majesty aware of the scheme to middle in?" She couldn't help but ask.

Manik sipped on his wine "it would end without giving a good lesson so thought to add something more"

Nandini get up and stepped towards him. She placed her hands on her waist "your majesty how did you find such woman? She played reall well in this accusation"

Manik placed the glass on side table "when you have source, there's nothing impossible at the end"

Nandini couldn't help but wonder. Though she prepared herself for the scheme played in restaurant but it would still stained her reputation but the arrival of new character really changed the whole thing. It really helped her greatly and also prevented all the negative touch. Wondering in her thoughts she almost forgot about the person before her. And when suddenly she felt a tug she squealed.


Manik pulled her on his lap forcefully.

"Your majesty what are you doing?" Nandini's eyes widened.

"You are standing in such a manner, are not you tired?" He asked.

"Your majesty I was not doing anything other than standing" Nandini shook her head.

Manik smirked "those people are trying to target you everytime, wanting to stain your body" he leaned forward and whispered in her ear "how about I stain you tonight, with deep mark"

Nandini's eyes almost popped out of its place. Suddenly a red stain appeared on her cheeks and she felt hot all of a sudden. The arms  around her waist tightened the make pressed her body to him.

"Your majesty are you drunk?"


"I am sleepy" Nandini faked yawned.

Manik pulled away and eyed her "you really know how to ruin a moment"

Nandini couldn't meet his eyes and pushed his chest "today's even is too tiring, oh, what happened to that woman?"

Manik frowned "what woman?"

"That brothel one"

"Free"  that's all he said before he get up with her in his arm and walk towards the bed chamber.

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