Chapter 78 - The Royal Prince Is Here

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Next morning in the deputy residence Himat sat in his room holding his head. This days the deputy residence is going under great chaos. He don't have time to convince and flatter everyone around him to make his way. With the passing days the investigation against the work of Patchal is turning serious and with the attitude of new investigation officer he knew it clearly that it would not take time before everything come into light. So he have to work faster.

But what's happening inside his residence is beyond his imagination. Firstly he thought his second daughter is quiet and will obey his words. But he didn't expected that Lamya will intrude and refuse to listen his explanation. No matter how hard he try to show her some good points of the third son of minister of land but that woman don't want to listen anything. She even cursed him saying he is the worst husband and a father who is selfish and self-centred.

After marriage Lamya always used to do everything he said. And he used to think that he can always have her under his control and make her do everything he want but he was wrong. That woman was all pretending to be quiet and now she is not even supporting him. Even if he is angry and want to curse that woman but he couldn't. Lamya belong to a high class family and it has good power in hands. Besides Lamya has 3 older brothers and they has good connection outside which is not a very good position for him to stir up trouble. Because of this dispute between his wife and him he could not process the marriage engagement officially.

But this was all some minor matters, what more problematic situation is Pari, his dearest daughter is sick. Her face was swollen and covered with acne which is red and looks horrifying. Her beautiful face become horrendous. If anyone sees it they will feel disgusting and this is something he really don't want to happen. It took a hard training and hard work fir Pari to gain such amount of reputation in the state and if her face is ruined then it won't be only her but also him that will be destroyed forever. But even if he is scared he couldn't do anything about it. He even called the best doctors but they couldn't prescribe the cure for her.

He was thinking when a servant ran inside the room without knocking "master those...those investigation team has arrived"

Himat's heartbeat raced suddenly? Why the investigation team suddenly came to his house without a notice. He couldn't help but feel cold sweat running down from his body. Not thinking much he rushed out of the room.

When he reached the hall he saw Manik with few other people. He walk towards them with a smile "officer is here, if I knew earlier I would have waited to welcome"

Manik threw a glance at him "not needed. And also deputy minister can stop the pretending"

"What officer is saying?" Himat couldn't help but feel  anxious. Today the voice of investigation officer is different from usual.

"I am saying truth" Manik replied before his gaze turned more serious "deputy minister doing business for all these years.... Are you going to admit it by yourself or you want me to disclose you personally?"

"Officer what I have done is all official work. I have been serving the imperial court with loyalty and sincerity" Himat replied.

"Oh" Manik chuckled "serving the imperial court with loyalty and sincerity? Deputy minister you really know to play with your cards but I also want to remind you that before you do you need to check if there's any card left to play with"

Hearing those words Himat couldn't help but feel chill in his heart. This officer is always aloof and no matter how much he tried to persuade him, he always failed at the end. He also keeping eyes on his work but never found that this officer has any connection with his previous deeds then why suddenly he showed up in his residence? Could it be that he found something?

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