Chapter 70 - A Woman From Brothel

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A wave of thick scent flowed in the air as soon as the door of thr side room opened. The scent was quite thick and too heavy to smell. Those who is not used to it, can feel headache and burning sensation in body. But what surprising is that, there was not any sign of it, people can only smell it but couldn't see the source. Those girl who followed behind frowned. Some of them covered their nose with handkerchief and some waved their hand below their noses.

"What kind of scent is this?" One of them asked "it was not there before when we first entered here. It's just a couple of moment that we left"

"Is this any kind of poisoning?" One of them gasped.

Another one shushed "what kind of words you are talking? If it is a poision then we won't be standing here alive by now"

Hearing that they all nodded with agreement. Nandini can hear those whispering among the girls. But she is too careless about it to middle herself. She already knows what kind of smell is this so she is not bothered about it anyway. She just stepped inside the room without caring about other. When Deputy minister walked in he frowned. Such a strong smell that could make anyone feel senseless and burn from inside with desire. He couldn't help but turn his head to give a look to his daughter. Pari lowered her head and clenched her fist tightly but still followed inside with everyone. It's not like she could escape this matter. Besides his father is also here and she still hoping for a chance.

When everyone finally moved inside, the whole room become crowdy. They can clearly see a fairly skin woman still lying on bed. Her back was free from any cloths and her skirt lifted upto her knees giving a clear look of her slander legs. Some girls turned slightly pink with the view. If it was in private it is fine, but there are also males here inside the room so they could not help but feel embarrassed.

Nandini turned around and looked at Pari who strolled inside lastly "so, first lady, can you tell me the one lying on bed is me or not?"

Pari bite her lips but her expression said like she is feeling guilty "assistant, I told you already, because of rushing the matter, I have mistaken you with her. It is clearly misunderstanding"

Nandini smiled "it doesn't seems like that. You almost plastered it on my head that that girl on the bed was me. And now you are changing the verbal announcement adding misunderstanding ? I really couldn't understand how true your words can be" she said and before Pari could find any words to retort she turned her attention towards deputy minister.

"I hope Deputy minister can see the situation clearly which such great view. Since the fact of the girl on the bed is not me, then I would like to know how deputy minister going to handle this matter?"

Deputy minister felt he is in deep forest where he couldn't find any road back to home. He clearly understood that this plan has made by Pari, and he couldn't believe Pari could leave such things to get the situation messy at the end. This is the first time he find it hard to handle a situation. But though it has faults of his own daughter, he still couldn't let anyone dirt Pari's name or it will stain her well built reputation.

So he nodded "I can understand assistant officer's meaning. Since this kind of matter happened under my nose then I will definitely do my best to give you an explanation" then he gestured his hand and two guards followed inside the room. "Go and wake the woman"

The two guards didn't even hesitated to touch a girl who is almost naked. Some girls blushed when they say them grabbing the girl's arm and  pulling her up in sitting position. One guard threw a white sheet on her body. While other one kept her in sitting position before looking at Deputy minister.

"Master, this woman is not in her sense. She is definitely drugged" 

Deputy minister frowned "drugged? Then pour water on her face and try of wake her up"

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