Chapter 113 - Deadly Song

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The giant bird roaming over the head almost scared everyone to death. Those ministers never saw Egy so they don't know about it. However, Manik has seen the bird already so there was no surprise on his expression but he was still frowning. He couldn't understand why this bird was here. Then he remembered the flute. He looked at Nandini who was still playing the song. She was still playing her flute even after the bird arrived. But before he could understand, the tune of the song changed suddenly and it became a coarse one. It was really uncomfortable to listen to.

Ageratina and Atropa held their breaths and their gaze become sharp but they didn't said a word. In the middle, Kashmin was so scared that she almost wetted herself. She has never seen such huge giant and now that the hunter looking at them with that red eyes sending chill in their body. By her side Kumeka was stunned. She don't know what's happening and why suddenly this giant bird flew in. She looked at Nandini and saw her still playing the flute with her eyes closed. But the song she was playing was different from the first one. It was like piercing their ears with that harsh tone. She suddenly felt fear in her heart. Could it be that..? But before she could properly understand the situation she saw the bird flying over the head suddenly lowered it's head and flew towards her direction. She was so scared that her screamed echoed in the hall and those ministers jumped in shock.

What's happening? Why did the eagle suddenly turn its way and fly towards Kumeka like it was about to begin its hunt.

Before everyone's gaze the eagle let out a high pitched whistling sound before directly jumping on Kumeka aiming it's claws. The sharp claws scratched Kumeka's face, ripping the flesh off. Kumeka screamed in pain and fell on the flood in lying position while the eagle attacked on her viciously. All the ministers could only gasped with surprise as they witnessed the scene before them. Kashmin screamed and crawled away from Kumeka and watched her mother being attacked by the giant animal. She was so terrified that she wetted the floor leaving all her shame. If it was a normal day then it would have really been laughed at by the court to see the princess like this but currently none of them have the time to look at her since they were busy looking at the eagle hunting its prey.

"Stop, please help me" Kumeka couldn't help but scream loudly. Her cries chilled the hearts of the present people in the room. But who will show courage to plead for her in this situation? First she was the one who tried to kill the heir, and secondly, it was any sane person who was punishing her. It was an animal who won't listen to them besides there's also chances of risking their lives. Besides the most important thing is the emperor didn't say a word yet he was watching everything in silence. Since the ruler has no objection then how could those ministers go forward and plea for a culprit? Won't it make them enemies?

"Your majesty, please help me. I was wrong to harbor such a big intention but it was just to secure my daughter's future. Please, your majesty. I plead to spare my life" Kumeka screamed as she tried to cover herself from the attack of the eagle. But all her words went in deaf ear because everyone in the court was pretending not to hear anything.

Her plea was futile but she did not give up. She was about to plead again but her eyes were dug in the next second making her scream again. It didn't take time for her to have her thick skin ripped out of her body. Her throat felt sour and even if she wanted to scream she couldn't feel her voice anymore. She laid on the floor in such a position that the ministers couldn't even look at her. The floor under her was bloody and there was human flesh scattered on the floor. Finally the flute song stopped. Once the sound faded, the eagle stopped its action and flew towards Nandini and settled on her shoulder.

Nandini puked a mouthful of blood. She wiped and smirked at the person lying half dead on the floor. Manik held Nandini's hand fearing she would fall.

"I think your highness has experienced what it feels like when your skin ripped away from you. Does your highness feel happy?" She asked but Kumeka couldn't reply.

"I hope everyone has experienced some lessons today," she said again. "Consequences are not made by fate or destiny, rather it was depend on one's own choice of action"

When the words fell those ministers understood clearly that today's action was not only for Kumeka but it was also for them to refrain themselves from any senseless action. Because if the judgement was Empress's then the punishment has no rules and no bounds. Those ministers couldn't help but look at Kumeka and their hearts sighed because they knew it was already her time to leave for the underworld.

Kashmin at the side suddenly laughed out loud. She looked at everyone then asked "what are you looking at? You can't bully me here because my father is not here. He is in war and will return soon and then I will see how you all get away from the punishment of bullying me"

It was clear to the point that today's event has created a great result that no one in court will forget in this life.

In the Lotus Palace, Chityakanta threw her teacup angrily. The poor cup ended its life without any fault.

"What did you say?" She asked again.

The maid who was informing about the court matter trembled "your highness, it was her highness Kumeka who poisoned the empress and had the intention to kill the heir in a jealousy. It said she wanted to make the empress unable to give birth and to make the way for her daughter to become the consort of the emperor"

Chityakanta clenched her fist "that old witch" she cursed down angrily "we have been raising them, providing everything that they need to live, roof, foods, money, family and yet she went around harming my own blood like this? Such a black witch who knows nothing about loyalty"

She couldn't help but feel so shocked. After the death of Kumeka's husband, the late emperor brought that pair of mother and daughter thinking about the good deeds of his friends. Since then Chityakanta has been treating them with utmost care and respect. There's also sometimes she knows they were a little arrogant but she didn't say anything and stayed silent. But this time they have gone overboard thinking in this way. They even went after that innocent child who was not even born in this world? Chityakanta couldn't believe that there's also such people with fair skin and black heart.

"What happened after that?" She asked the maid.

"Your highness, empress was there too. And  she played a song with a flute and called a giant eagle then tore the flesh of her highness Kumeka using the bird in front of everyone" the maid trembled as she thought about that scene. She was there in the crowd and witnessed that cruel scene with her own eyes. Such punishment was more cruel than the beheading at once.

"Really?" Chityakanta frowned then waved her hand and leaned back on her chair. She thought Manik was cruel while dealing with enemies. She has seen many things and was not surprised when she heard it. But what she did not expected that Nandini would use such tactics to torture anyone. She always stayed calm and gentle but now Chityakanta understand that it was just a surface and there was something more inside.

"Who's fault is that? Is not it her who committed such a crime and called the consequences upon herself?" Chityakanta said after sometime. A mother is thousand more vicious than others when it comes to her child. And Chityakanta know this too well.

Just then another maid ran inside "your highness"

"What happened to you?" Chityakanta raised her eyebrows.

"Your highness, her highness Kumeka has passed away and the princess lost her sanity and was taken in prison"

"Go, prepare some man to bury the body. No need to go for royal customs. For a person like her, if royal customs are performed then our whole royalty will be insulted" Chityakanta ordered. She knows she had to land hand in this matter because Manik and Nandini won't bother with it.

She got up and ordered her personal maid "go, bring my cloak, I am going to visit Rose Palace"

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