Chapter 41 - The New Guests In Temple

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At the foot of the mountain, before the first entrence of the temple two carriages stopped. Behind the carriage there was a huge amount of soldiers wearing armour. The curtain of the carriage lifted and the maids opened the door. Some people who were passing by gazed towards the carriage.

"Who is here again? Look those carriage looks expensive"

"What expensive? Can't you see, this is a royal carriage"

"I heard couple of days ago another royal people has arrived and today another royalty?"

"Look at the flag on carriage" someone pointed and everyone turned to look at the small flag sign stuck on the top of the carriage.

"What is that? Sun sign flag?"

"Who are those royalties?"

Everyone was gossiping while two woman come down from the carriage. One was elderly woman and another one was a young lady.

"Wow, such a beautiful girl. She looks like a fresh flower"

"Indeed, such a beauty. No one can ignore it"

"Why those royal people blessed with beauties and wealth. We commoners will die with envy"

When other was whispering the young lady looked around and turned to look at the entrence door from where the climbing stairs has started to reach the top. Another two man walked from behind who were riding inside the second carriage.

"So this is the great Varish Temple" the young man commented looking at the entrence.

"This is just the first step to the entrence. Can't you see the stairs. We need to climb it first to reach the top" the young lady beside him rolled her eyes.

"I can't understand why mother wanted to visit here. This place is cold and looks like ghost place already" the young man said with annoyed expression.

The elderly woman glared at him "what do you youngstars know. Your elder sister's marriage has already fixed. For her peaceful life after marriage we need to pray to god and this place is the right choice to do so"

"Elder sister will live happily already. Would be brother in law already fancy her. What's there to be worried about?" The young man frowned.

"Fancying before marriage and keeping it after marriage is different. Besides we can't predict for a man's heart, who know when it will change after he started bringing concubine in the palace. I don't want my daughter to be lonely watching the other women getting favoured. Do you understand?" The elderly woman scolded.

The young man rolled his eyes "whatever"

"We are already here. Let's go ahead. It will take time to reach the top and it's better if we reach before sunset" the elderly man suggested.

"Father is right. We should proceed" the young lady agreed and about to take a step she noticed something.

"Who's carriages is that?" She pointed towards the other side. Everyone looked at the direction and found there was 4 beautiful carriages standing with soldiers guarding it.

"This ..." The elderly man drowns them his eyes widened "is the royal carriages of Samrat?"

The elderly woman gasped "Samrat? The royalty of Samrat is also here?"

"Looking at the Lion sign flag is stating the same thing" the elderly man replied.

"I never thought we will bump with them here. It's rare to see them visiting"

The young lady frowned "what do you mean by rare mother? Doesn't they travel around?"

"It's not like that "the elderly woman smiled "the royals of Samrat is kind of aloof. As you see the Samrat is already known as great power and situated in the womb of mountains. Even the enemies are scared to attack besides there was a great advantage of Samrat which the other royalty couldn't have. Do you know how many people wanted to fom alliance with them but failed"

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