-Chapter 29

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-Chapter 29

"Jade, dear, you need to wear something cute under your graduation robe."

"I call it an ugly robe, mom," I reply, rolling my eyes as I sigh heavily.

My mom obviously wants me to look as good as possible because it is a special occasion. However, what is the point if no one can see anything under that stupid robe that is white and red? It isn't like an outfit under it matters and if I wanted to, I could go naked under it.

I don't get the point of them having us dress up for Graduation because no one can see anything. I get wanting us to look super cute at it and not like trash, but that point remains that no one is going to see anything under the outfit they make us wear. It is extremely pointless to me.

"Honey, you need to look good at Graduation!"

I look her in the eyes. "Mom, I got it! I'll wear a purple dress, okay?"

"That won't do. You have to look stylish." She makes clothes shopping for Graduation nearly impossible. What is wrong with wearing a purple dress under my robe?

"Then what would do?" I raise an eyebrow curiously, staring at her still. What could my mom be up to while dressed like a typical mother right now? Is she going to make me look like I'm in some cheerful club at school?

"You should get a black, sparkly dress with some tights," she tells me, answering my question. "I don't know what you expected me to suggest for you to wear. I know your style so well, Jade. You're not going to dress up in some pink number and I don't expect you to ever do that."

Well, at least she's onto something and knows me very well. I just wish I could share this moment with my sister right now. She would love helping me shop for something to wear only once.

"Mom, maybe I can get something that fits both our tastes for this event. How about something that is black and purple? You know, with some sparkle?" I grin. "Try imagining it because it is so lovely sounding."

She nods her head and looks around the store, looking for something that is black and purple. Of course, must have some sparkle to it. We're not going to look all basic at Graduation under my cap and gown.

"Okay, but it can't be all purple. I know how much you like the color purple but you have to have some other color on it that compliments it. I don't think your gown will go with just purple." I love how she is worried about how I'll look under my gown. That's my mom!

I nod and look around. "I won't let it be all purple just because you don't want me to have an all purple dress."

"So, what made you so upset the other day? You looked so confused at times too." Is my mom going to seriously ask about the almost kiss between me and some demon teacher? Well, she doesn't know it what exactly happened and that Mr. Choi is a demon.

My face heats up and I turn my head away. "Huh? What do you mean?" I ask, playing dumb. I know exactly what happened the other day and it would have been a kiss if I was wanting it to be and if he wasn't playing with me. At least that is what he claims it was. I can't trust him on that.

"Did a boy try something on you and it made you upset? You know, like how that Asher kid was hitting on you? That always bothered you so much and you would come home upset."

I laugh awkwardly. "No, that didn't happen at all," I tell her, lying a bit.

"I'm being serious Jade. If some boy was hitting on you, you can tell me. I am not going to hunt them down and make them sorry for hitting on my lovely daughter. The only thing I will do is want to see what he is like and what his intentions are. You can tell me about these kinds of things."

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