-Chapter 3

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-Chapter 3

"That is all for today's lesson," Mr. Choi says, putting down the SMART board marker he was writing with. "Now you have to take a survey and you will have to be as honest as possible on it. If you're honest with me on it, it'll help me improve my class. The staff will have a meeting about what you all put on these as your response and we will discuss on what to do to improve the classroom experience. It is all about your experience so far this year. This one is about the math class I'm teaching and I know you took other surveys already so I know you're tired of this already."

I already took a few different surveys, and I hated them. I hate writing how I feel about things because I don't like people knowing what I'm exactly thinking. It feels like someone is evading my privacy when I have to share my thoughts on something like this. Why would I want a teacher to know how I feel about their class? I just want to graduate and never see them again.

Mr. Choi picks up the surveys from his desk. "My other classes took these already and it won't take too long to fill out. It asks three things only so you don't have to waste time on it. But you have to be as specific as possible so we can understand what you're talking about it." He moves over to my desk and picks up five papers and places them down.

I pick one up and place it to the side and hold the survey back over my head. I hate passing down things like this. It hurts my hand and my arm when they don't take it fast enough. Besides, I can be rather impatient with people.

The person behind me grabs it as Mr. Choi moves over to the third row of seats in the class. I look down at my survey and pick up my blue pen. Time to read all these stupid questions about how I feel on this class. I will be honest on it and make this survey look like a rainbow when I change what color I'm writing in. It will be beautiful once I'm done with it.

"Remember to be as honest as possible. You're allowed to have your opinion on this class and about me. I want to know exactly how you feel. Don't hold back."

I'm not going to lie on this at all. I'm very honest when I have to answer something honestly. Thought it irks me to have to be super honest on these things. Again, it gets all up in my business. The good news is that I don't have to say any of this to the class and it is technically private. I hate speaking in front of an entire class. It is so nerve-wracking!

Time to check out these questions! Okay, number one! It wants to know how I feel about the subject of the class. So, what do I think about calculus? Well, I don't enjoy it at all but that is any math class. I hate them all and I don't want to see another math equation in my life.

"Also, provide feedback on my teaching style. I want to make this the best experience for you all since this is your final year. Well, most people won't be back after this." How cruel! How dare he remind the people who aren't graduating about their failure!

"Do we really need to do this?" I look up, staring at the guy who just spoke. What is his name again? I'm always forgetting it.

"Howie Star, correct?"

"Correct." Ah, right! Howie Star! He strives to be Mr. Perfect.

"You have to take this so we can get feedback. If we didn't get feedback, we wouldn't be able to make this a good experience for you and for future students. Teachers need to learn how they are as teachers or else we don't do anything for our students. Our job is to be able to give you all the tools to succeed in life."

"It this even going to be actually used?" Kaylee asks. Can people just shut up and let me make the freaking rainbow in peace?

"Yeah, is this even going to be used?"

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