-Chapter 32

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-Chapter 32

"What did you want to talk about privately, Jade?"

I shrug my shoulders. "I am just unsure about things from here on out. You know, because of the contract being over."

Mr. Choi nods his head and puts his hands behind his back. "I see. Well, it is easy for you to be kind of unsure about it due to having it in place for a long time now. If you remember how life was without it, then it'll be similar to that."

"No, that isn't what I mean." I know how that will be. "I just don't know what to do without it in place. I have been dealing with talking to someone everyday and now I won't."

"You hardly talked to people on the weekend. That will be your life again basically," he points out, stating the obvious. Yeah, this man is kind of clueless.

I look away from him and swallow. "Mr. Choi, what am I going to do without you?"

"I don't see why you're concerned about that. I am just one of the many teachers you have had."

I look back at him, narrowing my eyes. "I don't know what I'm going to do with a boring life."

"I can't stick around at all. However, Jade, you may run into another demon once you head to college. They won't curse you, but they will curse those around you. You should interfere in that if that ever happens."

"Alright." He's stupid. It's official.

"Hey, don't be rude when I'm trying to give you advice."

I snicker. "Advice? Really?" How is he giving me any advice right now?

He chuckles, nodding. "Yes, I'm giving you advice right now. So, are you just going to let it happen if that happens around you again?"

"Maybe," I respond, shrugging a little bit. "Don't know yet if I should interfere or not after putting up with you. Do you really think it is a bright idea for me to get involved with someone like you?"

"No demon is like me. I'm one of the best at my job," he says. "Of course, I've finally lost to someone. How could you give me a loss, Jade?" He shakes his head, frowning like he's disappointed. Give me a break, please!

"Stop it with the fake disappointment. I know you don't care that much about this loss." I shake my head, looking away from him. "How come this isn't bothering you that much? You lost. You lost big time."

"Because it is natural to lose at some point. It is frustrating to lose, but it is what it is. There is nothing I can do to change the fact that I lost. Cheating to win isn't something I want to do. Some demons do that, but it isn't right. We're allowed to cheat since it is part of our job. I just don't feel it is fair to do so."

"But showing me visions is fair?" I look back at him, raising an eyebrow. "That isn't cheating?"

He shakes his head, a small smile growing on his face. "That's called fair. Starting a kiss with you would be cheating. Of course, I wouldn't force you into that position. I'm not about forcing you into a bad position. I will only do what you want me to do when it comes to the hands on stuff."

My face starts burning and I look away from him, swallowing hard. "Uh-huh, that's true." I nod my head as my heart speeds up.

"You seem flustered."

"No one has ever said something like that before to me. Think how that feels for me. A guy just told me he would be willing to kiss me if I wanted to be kissed. The only guy who has wanted to is-"

"Asher. I know."

"And he's under your control."

"That is true that he is, but he still has the ability to make his own choices. I can only influence it so much."

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