-Chapter 9

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-Chapter 9

"Vienna, wait up!" I shout, trying to keep up with her. Why is she walking so fast?

I don't know what is causing her to be like this, but I'm sure it is because something happened at school today. She didn't really talk to me today, but that is fine. I'm used to not being talked to. I am just worried that she talked to Mr. Choi or one of his fan squad members today and that has set her off. 

She stops and turns to face me. "What? I need to hurry and get to Mr. Choi so I can get my private lesson! I want my free private lesson, Jade! This is very important to me!" Her eyes are burning with passion and something else. Dislike? Jealousy?

"Vienna, don't do this. I can tutor you," I state, stopping too. "Is it because you find him good looking like the other girls in this school?" I don't even know why they all find him so good looking. And I don't want this man teaching her anything and suddenly changing her.

"It is more than that," she tells me, staring at me harshly. "Why can't I make my own decisions for once? Why are you always stopping me from making these kinds of choices for myself? Stop hogging him to yourself. Can't you share what you have for once?" Why is she being like this suddenly? Out of nowhere?

I scoff. "Vienna, that isn't it at all! Get yourself together, okay? I'm just looking out for you because I'm your older sister. You got to believe me." I grab her by her shoulders and hold on to them gently, shaking her. "Really, believe me."

She grabs my hands and pulls them off her shoulders, still looking at me harshly. She puts my hands down away from her and lifts one of her hands up and brings it across my right cheek. I look off to the side, tears filling my eyes. Did she...did she just slap me? Did she really slap me?

"Vienna..." My cheek is burning now from the sting of her slap. "You...you..."

"You like keeping everything to yourself, huh? If I want something, Jade, I'm going to get it. From now on, that is how I will live my life, okay? Stay away from me!" Vienna shouts.

I lift my head up a bit and look at her through a few pieces of my hair. "Vienna...it isn't like I want to keep him to myself. I don't want him to myself." I don't even own the right to control what Mr. Choi sees and what he doesn't see.

"You're all about yourself," she states, her voice cold. "Our parents only care about you because you're literally the perfect student. You're always making the best grades and you do nothing wrong in their eyes. But once I get these lessons, I will become the perfect daughter to them. They will love me even more."

"Is that all there is? Jealousy, Vienna?" I ask, my voice a bit weak. How can she say these things so freely? It isn't true at all. They love us both the same.

Vienna laughs. "I used to be so up your butt, Jade, but now I'm not. I have seen the real you and you don't truly care about me. You only want to live through me because you're jealous that I'm better looking than you. You may have the good grades but you don't have what I have and that is friends. You're alone. I used to love you, Jade, but now I don't. I never will love you again." Her eyes burn even more and I can feel the heat. She hates me for some reason.

I bring a hand to my cheek and look her in the eyes. "Vienna, I would do almost anything for you but those lessons...I will not allow you to do them. I will let you do almost anything but that. I can change for you to become a better sister though. Let me do that." I really want to cry right now.

"It is too late for you to repair our relationship. If you wouldn't hide everything, things wouldn't have become like this. You can't just become a good sister out of nowhere, Jade."

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