-Chapter 12

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-Chapter 12

"Mr. Choi stopped you from getting hit by the ball! That is so dreamy!" Vivian sighs heavily, sounding like she's lost in some dream. Why is she still wanting a piece of our teach? "I wish he would save me." 

She's still in love with Mr. Choi despite having a boyfriend. I just don't get what is so special about him. He's someone who makes me feel really uncomfortable and unsure about things. There is just something up with him and it is so off putting. How am I supposed to focus on anything when he's just asking for me to keep my eyes on him? Of course, not in a good way.

"He did?" I ask. I'm surprised he even jumped in and stopped it from hitting me.

"Yeah." She looks at me and nods her pretty head. "It is on Kaylee's website for her show. Her people working on the show thought it should go online and introduce her super teacher. They think it'll bring in a lot of fans for the show. Do you want to see it?"

"Um..." Do I? "No."

"Why not?"

I shrug my shoulders. "I won't know why I don't want to see it. I guess it is because I want to save it for later." I feel off about that day. Something is off with it and I do not understand what it is.

"Well, you can always watch it later. I'm not going to force you to watch it at all," she replies, smiling softly at me. "I hope I can have my boyfriend save me like how Mr. Choi saved you. It is so romantic feeling. Too bad he's our teacher and you can't have a romance with him."

Yuck! I would never want a romance with him. The thought of me trying to hook up with him is just nauseating. How would that even work out? He's a total creep and he's my teacher. I do not want to date a teacher, which is completely taboo! That definitely should stay in fictional media and not in real life. 

"I'll do that for sure." I nod my head and force a wide smile onto my face. Like I want to watch something that has Mr. Choi saving me like I'm some Damsel in Distress. The only one who will need to be saved is him when I catch him doing something evil. He gives me a bad vibe.

"You better watch it or else!" She pokes my nose and I turn my head a bit away. "Ha-ha!"

"Oh, I just remembered that I need to go and meet up with him."

"Him? Mr. Choi? You have to meet up with him?" 

I nod my head. "Yes, I have to have lunch with him."

"Did you start dieting? Is that why you passed out during the game?" Vivian asks me curiously. "Because if it is, you shouldn't be dieting. You're fine the way you are and if someone is making you feel bad for it, I will have to kick their butt." Like I need to do that to get attention about here. I can just walk by someone who hates me and get it. 

I shake my head. "No, I'm not dieting and no one is making fun of me for my weight. I was just focusing on studying." I was so focused on figuring out what is going on with Mr. Choi and the students. I would forget some of my meals because I had to figure out what is going on. That caused me to pass out.

"Jade, you need to stop focusing on your grades. Let yourself fail a quiz or two," she replies as she places a hand gently on my black jacket. "You need to take care of yourself, okay? You can let your grades take a backseat to your personal needs for once." 

"Okay, I'll do that." Somewhat. Someone has to solve this Mr. Choi mystery. 

"You better do that! Now, hurry onto your lunchtime with you-know-who!" She winks at me. She definitely wants me to have some sort of student-teacher romance with Mr. Choi. Yeah, that will not happen. Not in this world and not in the next world.

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