-Chapter 4

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-Chapter 4

Vienna leans over my desk, staring down at my nails. "Why do you always paint them purple? Why don't you try a new color out?"

Do I even need to try out a new nail color? Nothing is wrong with having purple nails all the time, right? Wait...why am I even questioning myself? My style is my style.

"To match my lips," I answer, looking at her curiously. "Why are you suddenly asking that type of question?"

She shrugs. "I don't know why I did. I guess my curiosity finally got the best of me," she tells me. "Matte lipstick is in so why are you wearing it? Don't you hate what is in?"

"Its matte lip gloss," I say, correcting her. I hate lipstick. It settles in the lines of the lips and just is gross.

"Oh, sorry."

I look over at the door as Mr. Choi enters the room, staring down at some papers. He seems to have his head in the clouds. Maybe he finally got all that feedback he wanted or maybe it is a math test! Oh, I don't like the sound of a math test.

"What's wrong?"

"Oh, nothing is." I look at Vienna and force a smile onto my face. "Don't worry about it, okay? I'm all good here."

"Hey, Kaylee! Can you please stop for a moment and pose?" Someone asks loudly, practically screeching. What in the world is going on? Did someone make a modeling agency happen here at school?

I look over at the door as Kaylee steps into the doorway and stops, posing for a picture. Is she seriously throwing up a peace sign and doing duck lips? What is wrong with people these days? Why do people enjoy looking like a duck? Leave the poor ducks alone!

"Kaylee looks really pretty today," Vienna says and I look at her. She looks like she is in awe right now. "Her pink lips...I want to have pink lips like that."

I look at Mr. Choi, tilting my head. Was Kaylee always like that? It seems like she is famous now. People want her to pose for pictures and she seems to think it isn't a crime to do duck lips. Anyway, Kaylee being famous? Yeah, right! She's disliked for starting rumors all the time.

"No pictures in the classroom," Mr. Choi orders, looking away from the papers in his hands in order to stare at the doorway. "If you wish to take pictures, wait until you're out of my classroom. I don't like people causing disorder in the classroom."

"Oh, send that to my agent! Got it? Thank you!" Kaylee exclaims to someone who took her picture. "Oh, can I have her seat? She doesn't need to have it because I have to be in the sunlight once filming for my reality show starts. I look flawless with natural lighting." Is she talking about my seat? Why should I even give it up?

"I think she's talking about you," Vienna tells me.

"You should go now before Mr. Choi gets on your case," I say, ordering Vienna to leave. I swear, Mr. Choi would like just get rid of her.

"Why?" Why is she even confused?

"Mr. Choi will just tell you to go soon. If you don't want that, go."

Vienna sighs heavily. "Fine," she says, pouting. "I'll see you later."


She picks up her backpack and storms away from me, leaving the room fast. That must be a new record! She should try out for the track team.

I wonder why everyone is acting weird lately. Everyone is slowly losing their minds! I swear, that is what is going on! Vivian was first and now it is Kaylee!

"Sit down now," Mr. Choi says, sounding stern.

"Fine," Kaylee replies, sounding completely and utterly bitter. Someone doesn't like that he's being stern with them right now. 

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