-Chapter 1

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-Chapter 1 **Read note at the end please**

-Chapter 1 **Read note at the end please**

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"There's a new teacher. Well, it is actually a temp that is filling for a teacher," my friend, Vivian Lockland, says, turning a bit towards me. "Did you hear about him yet?"

"How do you know if it is a guy who will teach us?" I ask her, looking at her in confusion. 

We're in the middle of the hallway which is the ugliest beige, white looking color in the world, and surrounded by so many students. Hopefully, our conversation isn't special and worth hearing by others. I don't think anyone wants to listen to me talk, but they definitely want to listen to someone like her. 

"Jade, wait up!"

I turn my head, meeting my sister's beautiful grey eyes. 

"Vienna, I'm waiting," I state, stopping dead in my tracks with Vivian at my side. "Don't worry, okay? I wouldn't move too far ahead of you in this place." I do not want to end up being surrounded by people who might bully the crap out of me. 

I'm out of place here. I'm the definition of a freak to most of these people. I'm not goth, but I do have the appearance of one. I'm into darker colors and purples. 

Vienna stops at my side and grabs my left arm, holding onto it tightly. She looks at up me through her dark brown bangs, smiling. She's cute with a tiny little face that is fit for a doll. My sister looks like she could come in a big, pink plastic box with a ribbon around it that is sparkly.

"I have heard about the sub," she states, nodding her head. "He will be your teacher, sis. He's also fantastic looking according to Kaylee. If you don't know who she is, she's in your class and your homeroom. She's that girl who is always trying to get attention on herself and become famous." Wannabe famous girl has seen this mysterious sub?

"Kaylee saw him?" Vivian asks, sounding disappointed. Why is she even disappointed? What is so great about a substitute teacher?

Kaylee is always finding out what is going on and is one of those wannabes of celebrities. She's always trying to become famous and uses social media almost non-stop. If she didn't have to attend school, she would be married to her cell phone right now. At least she's pretty enough to be famous if she could even get some fame. 

"Uh-huh!" Vienna nods her head, bumping her chin into my arm. "That is right, she did! I heard all about it from her when I was near her earlier. I wanted to get breakfast but all she could do was disturb me by taking so loud."

"Handsome? Yeah, right!" I laugh. "I doubt it." There is no such thing as a truly handsome teacher. Heck, not even a good-looking teacher.

Vienna looks at me harshly. "You haven't seen him yet so how can you possibly say he isn't handsome?" She sighs, shaking her head. "You should wait before judging him. That is why people judge you. They're too busy not knowing you to actually know you."

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