-Chapter 10

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-Chapter 10

"It is time to hand out the Pumpkin Treats," a preppy sounding boy says, holding up a bag. The treats are totally in that bag and I'm totally not going to get one. "Is it alright if I hand them out now, Mr. Choi?"

"Yes, go ahead," Mr. Choi says, nodding his head as he looks at the boy with the bag. "You can hand them out if you're quick."

The preppy sounding boy reaches into the bag and pulls out a wrapped up treat, which has Halloween themed wrapping on it as usual. I wouldn't expect it to not have it since Vivian showed it off that one day when trying to sell it. It is so basic.

The boy looks at the tag on it and goes up to Vivian, placing it down on her desk. Vivian is so lucky right now. She always gets some candy from this thing. Of course, she used to share it with me.

"Okay, net is..." He puts his hand back into the bag and pulls out another one. "Kaylee! Here you go, Kaylee." He moves over to her desk, placing it down.

"Thank you," Kaylee tells him.

The guy pulls out another, looking at the tag. "The next treat is for Jade Ryans. Who here is Jade Ryans?" he asks, looking around the room. 

Did I just get one? What in the world is going on here? I never get anything from other people around me. They all pretty much hate the crap out of me. 

"Jade is right in front of my desk," Mr. Choi tells him. "She's next to the window."

The boy nods his head and approaches me, holding out the treat. "Sorry for not knowing who you are," he says, apologizing. "This is yours."

I take it from him gently. "It's fine, thank you," I reply. Is this happening right now? Like actually happening?

I look at the tag, staring at it. Anonymous? Who in the world bought me one of these? I would love to know who they are but I guess they rather keep it a secret. Mr. or Ms. Anonymous obviously doesn't want to be open about getting me one of these things.

Vivian scoots closer to me. "Who got you that? Tell me! I want to know!"

"Anonymous got me it." I point to the tag. "Someone got me it and they don't want me to know who they are. I don't blame them."

"Aw! That is so cute! Someone likes you, Jade. They just don't have the balls to come out and tell you about how they feel," she says, smiling brightly. "You should try figuring it out by asking people for handwriting samples. Don't let the potential one slip out of your fingers."

I hold back a laugh. "I doubt anyone likes me." If someone got me this, it must be some joke. It is obviously just a cruel prank of some sort. No one is romantically into me at this school.

"Okay, that is all I have to give out. See you all around!" The preppy guy shouts. He turns towards the door and walks away, leaving the room.

"I am glad that went smoothly," Mr. Choi says, seeming relieved that it is done with. "Now don't eat your treats in class, alright? You don't need to be distracted during any of your lessons. They're important."

I look down at my crayon box and place my treat down in front of it. I pop open my crayon box and pick up the treat, placing it into it. This treat will be so good later. I need to stay focused. I am onto Mr. Choi and I will find proof to prove that he is up to no good.

"Where was I before he came into the room? Ah, yes...I remember now." Please don't teach again. This is a homeroom, not Calculus. "You guys asked about how to write a paper. It is simple, really. You need to follow the format you're told to write in. Many guides exist online."

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