-Chapter 16

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-Chapter 16

He leans in, placing his lips against mine, and I close mine. The kiss feels sweet, like honey if it wasn't so sticky. He even tastes so sweet, but it is more like candy and not honey. No, he tastes like a forbidden candy and I am needing some more of it.

I move my lips against his, trying to get more of a taste. I deserve this kind of kiss. I deserve to reach for the forbidden candy and take it for myself. I deserve a taste of the knowledge from his dangerous and forbidden kiss.

I shake my head, snapping myself out of my daydream. What the heck was that? 

I normally don't have those kinds of thoughts going my head. At least, they're not that vivid. Is he stepping up his game right now? Is he trying to seduce me by using some mysterious figure? Can he even do that?

Mr. Choi looks up from his desk, his dark eyes landing on me, and I swallow a bit. His lips curve upwards, twisting into a sinister smirk, and I hold in the urge to sigh. I'm going to have to take that as an answer to my question because he is definitely reading my thoughts right now. I want him to know that he is a creep.

He clears his throat and removes his eyes from me, standing up from his seat. "Okay, everyone, I'm going to ask a question now. How was the break? Did you go out and do something fun?" Thanksgiving was nice and quiet peaceful without him in my life. It was nice to experience a normal day for once.

"I filmed all break long," Kaylee answers.

"Do you know the air date for the show yet?" Mr. Choi asks her, smiling as he moves to the front of the room. Well, the middle of the front of the room.

"No, I don't know yet."

"Okay, tell me when it'll be on and I will for sure watch it," he says, ready to watch her dumb show. "Anyone else want to answer my question that I asked earlier? No?"

I wish it was it could be Winter Break right now. I want to be opening my Christmas presents right now instead of sitting here in class. I also want to celebrate my birthday on the twenty-seventh.

"Anyways, let's move on. I want to talk about an easy subject today to get us back into things. Let's talk about addition," he says, turning away from us and he moves towards his desk. He picks up his remote and turns on the SMART board.

Addition? Why is he going over that right now when we could move on with what we're learning? It is bad enough that we have this class all year round since they split it into three parts. Does he have nothing else to teach at the moment?

"Addition is easy, right?" He picks up one marker that isn't red and he writes on the board. "Today, you will all be doing addition problems."

"You want me, right?" The man asks me, placing his hands on my hips. His grip is gentle and soft, causing my sides to heat up.

I nod, looking up into his dark eyes. "I do," I answer as he rubs his fingers into my side, trying to dig into me and open me up to see my insides.

I look down, touching my head gently. He's probably enjoying this right now. I don't know how he can teach and torment me at the same time. Also, why is he doing this right now? He's cruel!

"Time to crack down on your worksheets. Jade, are you okay? You look pale," Mr. Choi asks and I snap my head up, looking at him in shock. "Do you need to go to the office and see the nurse?"

"I'm fine," I tell him, answering his question. He knows what is going on and he likes it because it is entertaining him. Like heck I'm going to give into this kind of crap!

Covetousness Curse (New Version)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें