-Chapter 20

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-Chapter 20

I look at the sky, staring intently at the clouds.

Would Vienna enjoy this view right now if she was here? Would she want to touch the clouds? Maybe she would want to say what their shape reminds her of and have a good laugh with me.


"Vivian?" I look away from the clouds and turn to face my beautiful friend. "Hey, what are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to do something else?"

Vivian smiles at me, pulling her beige colored coat tighter around her. "I decided to pay a visit to you before I do something exciting. How are you feeling, girl?"

"I'm doing alright, Vivian. How are you?" I move closer to her.

"I'm good. Are you sure you're doing alright, Jade? You seem like you've been down on your luck lately," Vivian answers, tilting her head a bit.

I look away, staring at one of the nearby trees. "Is it that obvious that I'm down on my luck, Vivian?"

I'm down on my luck because of the demon who I signed a contract with. He's been on my case a lot. He's also making life miserable by making me see things I don't want to see and telling me what I want when I don't want it. Or maybe I do want it but just don't want to admit it to myself.

"It is that obvious, Jade. Tell me what is going on with you and why you're so down on your luck," Vivian orders, bossing me around in her protective and loving friend way.

"Mr. Choi is why I'm down on my luck, Vivian." I look back at her and give her a serious look. "I'm not even kidding right now so please don't think I am."

She pouts, her ruby red lips curving all the way down. "Why are you thinking about that man? Don't you dislike him a lot?"

I shrug. "I don't know why I'm thinking about him at all. Every time I think about something, he pops into my head. It is like I can't get away from the guy." I am pretty sure it has to do with me being in a contract with him and the fact he has given me visions. Those sexy visions can sometimes make a woman like me a bit thirsty. Not going to lie.

"Maybe you like him. Did you ever think about that?" Vivian questions.

I laugh. "No, it isn't like that at all, Vivian. I don't have any feelings for Mr. Choi and I will never have feelings for him. He's strictly just my teacher and nothing more." And he's a demon who I signed a contract with because I want revenge on him for taking my sister away from me. How dare he think he could erase my memory of her!

"How would you know for sure that you don't like him? You could subconsciously be into the man," Vivian suggests.

Could I ever be into Mr. Choi? I haven't really thought about that possibly happening at all since I'm so focused on the ending of our contract in the future. He's not an ugly guy at all and he looks intelligent. Well, he is intelligent, but he isn't my kind of guy. My kind of guy looks mysterious and looks like he knows what he wants in life and all. Mr. Choi isn't anything like that kind of guy!

He even has the wrong style. He wears his dumb, nerdy glasses and his white shirts all the time. His shoes are even typical teacher shoes, which makes him extremely lame. Sure, he's not ugly in certain lighting and can be somewhat appealing in a vision. But that doesn't mean I am into him at all.

"I think I know my own feelings, Vivian. I don't like him and I never will like someone like him," I state. He's probably the best-looking guy in the school though. However, that isn't enough to warrant my attention.

"I didn't say that you liked him for sure so you don't have to deny it so strongly," Vivian says, laughing. "You are allowed to deny it, Jade. I was only suggesting it."

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