-Chapter 13

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-Chapter 13

"What do you want?" Mr. Choi asks me, eyeing me with a questioning look on his smug face. He's not going to act all innocent since he knows that he's been caught. He probably wanted to be caught. 

This is the moment that I've been waiting for. Sure, I totally forgot about it at first, but crap happens. Sometimes plans aren't perfect and I know that I didn't plan for any of this stuff to happen at all. Funny how life throws events like this towards people like me.

I hold up the file carefully, making sure none of the contents of it spill out all over the floor. "You should know what I want right now due to you no longer having this."

My heart is pounding really heavily right now. I should have held onto the file a bit longer, but this can't wait. I have to end this as soon as possible to return everything to how it was before. I can't risk letting things go on and on until it destroys this entire school. And I really don't care for this school, but it isn't fair to let it get ruined.

"I do know what you want, Jade, because I can read your mind. So, I knew it was a matter of time before you would confront me on the matter. Alright, we should talk about this now and get this out of the way," he says, putting his blue pen down. "We are civil enough to talk about this peacefully, right? I don't want to have to restrain you from harming me." 

He puts his hands together, weaving his fingers together like he has all the time in the world, and I hold back the urge to scoff. I wouldn't doubt that he does have all the time in the world. He has nothing to really to do if we don't give him something to do. He is willing to wait for me to do what needs to be done right now. 

I move to the front of his desk and sit down in the chair he has in front of it. I'm sure he put it there because he was waiting for me to approach him. It is odd that he would. Actually, it isn't that odd. He has been expecting this and it is time to probably snack on some food. Does he even carry snacks in this room at this time of day? Okay, back to the point of this before I forget about it. 

"Where is Vienna?" I ask, getting to the point as I place the file down. "I want to know where in the world is my sister and how come no one remembers her." I am pretty sure I know the answer to this already.

He chuckles, sounding dark. "She is gone from this world due to failing to fulfill the contract. She failed to beat you. So, she's currently paying the price for doing so. My answer should satisfy you on your curiosity about your sister's whereabouts and make you stop wondering about her." 

"I don't care about your answer, Mr. Choi," I state, being harsh. "I want my sister back." And he'll give her back whether he wants to or not. I don't care how long it takes to do so.

He shrugs a bit, smirking, as he removes his hands from each other. "I'm afraid I can't give you her back since it goes against the rules of the contract," he informs me, sounding cold.

What kind of rules does he go by? It isn't fair to take something that belongs to someone else. My family needs Vienna.

"So, how do I stop you from going on with this little scheme of yours?" If I can't have my sister back right now, I'm going to have to make him pay for taking her.

He drops the smile and leans forward, putting both his elbows down on the top of his desk. "We have to have a contract made, Jade," he tells me, answering my question. "It is the only way you can beat me."

I look away, staring out the window at the cloudy sky. "Why would you want to do that? Wouldn't it ruin your day to lose to me?"

"You're lonely and you want people to like you," he states, not answering my question. I look back at him and he leans back, smiling softly.

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