-Chapter 15

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-Chapter 15

"Ohmigosh!" Kaylee exclaims, sounding like she's in some dream world. "Five Days of Awesome is at our school!"

Five Days of Awesome? What in the world is that? Is it some week where we are told to dress up and have fun for pictures in the yearbook? If that is it, no thanks. Anyways, back to focusing on what I need to focus on, which is my doodle on my planner. It is of Mr. Choi getting hit by a witch on a broomstick. 

Gosh, I'm so good with my imagination! Maybe I'm the witch that is hitting him with their broomstick. Yeah, that has to be it. I'm similar looking to a witch aren't I? 

"That hot boy band?" Boy band? Five Days of Awesome is a band?

"Yes!" Kaylee screeches. They have such a stupid name and it makes me want to die on the inside more than Mr. Choi makes me already. 

"I wonder why they're here," Vivian says, sort of talking to herself. "Jade, want to see what is going on? If we do, we could get a picture with them."

I look away from my doodle, turning my head to face Vivian. "With whom?"

"With Five Days of Awesome, duh! Who else would we get a picture with?" Vivian responds, laughing at my cluelessness. I rather take a picture with Mr. Choi. 

"Who? The boy band I don't even know about?"

"All you need to know for sure is that they're a boy band that is so hot!" she exclaims, standing up. "Come on, it'll be fun! You might find one of them cute and wish you weren't single."

"It must shock you that I don't even know them like everyone else does. I only know they're a boy group because of everyone else. Should I even care for them?" I only liked one boy group and that was in the early 2000s. No other boy group can compare to them and I still know their songs if someone plays the song. I'll sing the songs with no problem.

Vivian looks at me with wide eyes. "It is just like you to not know the world's hottest boy group," she tells me. "You should know them. You'll have a reason to when you see them and how hot they are." 

"Fine, I'll go with you just so you can get a picture with them. I don't want to end up in a picture of some group I don't care for. This is strictly because you like them, okay? I don't care for them at all." I stand up, looking over at Kaylee. She looks like she's going to pass out at any given moment.

Vivian moves towards the door and I follow her, looking around at all the students in the room. The men don't seem to care about the group that is here so I'm not the only one who doesn't care. Five Days of Awesome must be unimportant if I don't care for them. Who are they exactly though? They can't be that hot if I don't know them.

We step out of the room, moving around Kaylee and a few other girls that are staring out the door. I am pretty sure that they're drooling right now over the boys that are deemed "so hot" by them. I honestly don't see the point of wanting those five nobodies.

Five guys step towards the room, talking to each other as the approach the room fully. These are the guys they're in love with and drooling over in their sleep? Seriously? They're not even good looking!

A blonde-haired boy approaches me and Vivian, staring at us with his boring grey eyes. I've seen better eyes than his. I like something a bit more mysterious and dark looking. Someone's eyes need to be able to drag me into a mystery that surrounds them.

"Jade, Asher is looking at us," Vivian whispers into my ear, keeping her voice low. She doesn't want him knowing about what we're talking about since it'll make her look like a crazy fan girl to him. No one wants a crazy fan after them.

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