-Chapter 22

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-Chapter 22

Ugh...I seriously hate cramps so freaking much! 

I feel like I'm going to die right now. If I could blame someone, I would. I would blame Mr. Choi for it because he deserves to get blamed for something other than meddling in my life for once. But I just can't blame him for this type of thing. He isn't responsible for my time of the month coming at me like this. 

"Mom! Mom!" I shout as a wave of pain overtakes me. Yeah, I'm pretty sure I'm going to die from this pain. If Mr. Choi doesn't finish me off first, the cramps will win.

"What is it?" My mom asks, entering the room.

I look at her, pouting. "Can I stay home today, mom? My cramps are killing me more than they usually do right now," I ask her. "Please? I will go to school the rest of the year as long as I can have today off."

"Can you move at all?" She looks at me with concern.

"Barely," I answer.

She nods his head. "You can stay home since you look really ill right now. Are you feeling like you're going to throw up, honey? If you are, I'll give you some medicine I got from the drugstore during your last period. I swear, your periods get worse over time."

"Yeah, I'll take some and thank you," I reply, closing my eyes. I am so lucky that my mom is so understanding of my terrible periods.

"I'll go and call the school to them that you're not feeling well so you won't make it. For now, just relax. I'll leave the medicine on the side there next to your bed. I know how it is to take pain pills. They hardly work these days don't they?"

"Yeah, you're right. They do hardly work." I force a smile onto my face. "Thanks again, mother. I owe you one."

"Just make sure you're keeping your grades up at school," she tells me.

"I will do so, mom."

She turns away. "I love you so much. Oh, I'll email your teachers to make sure to give you your school work tomorrow. I don't want you falling behind in class."

"Okay, thanks." I hope Mr. Choi doesn't pull homework out of his butt tomorrow. I swear, he's going to make my life miserable just because I'm missing a day of his stupid class.

"I'll come back up soon and say goodbye to you. Don't do anything crazy while you're alone, Jade. I know how you try to do things on your own when you're like this."

She's not wrong, I do try doing as much as I can on my period. I don't care how much pain I'm in usually. If I'm hungry but nauseous, I still eat an insane amount of food. I just see it as feeling myself up with calories to keep me going through the day. Especially when it comes to dealing with Mr. Choi. I need all the energy I can to do with that man.

"You know I won't do anything too crazy."

"You're a good kid, Jade. I am glad you're not as rebellious as those teenagers in movies. I'm also glad you're not going out to parties."

"I am pretty good, huh?" The only not so good thing I've done is sign a contract with a demon. That is probably the worst thing I could do with my life. Especially since it doesn't really benefit me.

"You are." She turns her head a bit and smiles. "Anyways, I'm going to grab the medicine now before I forget to. Make sure to use the heating pad and to not bleed all over the place. Periods are messy."

"Alright, I'll be sure to do that, mom," I reply, nodding. I wonder if my insides are slipping out of my body yet. It feels like everything in me is going to come on out.

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