-Chapter 21

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-Chapter 21

"Here you go," Mr. Choi says, placing down a bowl full of candy with many different kinds of colored wrappers in front of me. "Try one of them. They're very delicious and you will like them."

I look up at his face, giving him a confused look. "Why? What is the meaning of this? Tell me why you're giving me some candy right now." This is out of the ordinary.

"It is a holiday here and I figured I should kind of celebrate it," he tells me. "You know, since I'm half-human."

"So, your mother mated with a human? That is quite interesting to know," I say, sitting up. "Today?" I look over at the calendar, staring at the love heart around the number. "Oh, it's February the fourteenth."

He wants to celebrate Valentine's Day? And to celebrate it, he's spending it with me by teaching me and offering me candy? Seems about right. That is so how he should spend his day today.

"You didn't know the date? Shouldn't you know when you're in school?"

I shrug my shoulders a bit. "I live my life and do what I need to do. I don't know about you, Mr. Choi, but that is how I live my life. And I will keep living it like that just so you know." Who needs to know the date when they can just speed run through the school year?

"I am not saying you don't have to live like that. I'm just surprised that you didn't know the date." He moves over to a chair and grabs it, pulling it up to my desk. "So, candy?"

I look back at his face, moving my eyes off the chair. "No."

"Why not? It is sugar free and it is purely made from my magical powers," he asks.

"Then it isn't even pure candy," I state, rolling my eyes. "Dude, I will not eat your magical candy. What if it harms me? It could be demonic."

"I wouldn't do anything bad to you minus what I've already done to you. And believe me, I have done little to hurt you," he replies. "Most of the bad things I've done to you have been accidental. So, you can miss out on the candy, okay? It just means more for me." He sits down.

"Aren't you supposed to be tutoring me right now instead of trying to offer me free stuff to put into my mouth?" I ask, glaring at him. Smug jerk!


"Ugh..." I look away from him, pouting.

"You need to quit forgetting that I read minds. Some days you remember it and others you do not remember it." Does he have to boss me around about this?

"I can't help it, Mr. Choi. I don't see you for a bit and then I end up forgetting that you can do that. It isn't easy adjusting to my teacher having magical powers and strange abilities. Believe me, I want to wake up to this being a terrible nightmare." I look back at him.

"Am I forgettable to you?"

"I wish you were," I answer, laughing a bit.

"Why do you want that? I'm your impressive math teacher."

"You can guess why."

He picks up a piece of candy. "You find me extremely charming, right?"

"Ha-ha!" He is hilarious right now! "You know I don't think you're charming. Give me an actual reason why I would want to forget you and not some fake reason. I wouldn't find you charming even if you were the last guy in the world I could have around me."

"Well, I want to hear it from your mouth now. Jade, tell me why you don't want to remember me." He unwraps the candy and sticks it onto his tongue, which slides into his mouth like a snake. A snake is pretty much how I see him.

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