-Chapter 24

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-Chapter 24

"Jade, you need to come to the Prom," Vivian says, grabbing onto my arm gently. "It'll be fun!"

"Heck, no!" I shake my head. "No, I will never go to the Prom!"

If I have to go to Prom that means I have to deal with other people being around me. That means I will have to deal with Five Days of Losers being there to make me miserable. I already know they're going to go and lineup for a chance at being with me. Or they will try getting me to hook up with Asher for once and then Mr. Choi will show up and try getting me to lose.

"Why not? It'll be a blast!" Vivian looks at me with sad eyes.

"People sneak alcohol into Prom, Vivian," I state, being honest. I have read so many stories about kids sneaking alcohol into their Prom just to have fun and loosen up. Then they get into a car accident and die. "We've heard horror stories about that multiple times, Vivian. I don't want to get killed by some stupid drunk student who wanted to cause trouble and have fun."

My greatest fear is dying at the moment. With Prom coming up, I can't help but fear dying. The only other thing I fear is losing to Mr. Choi.

"Mr. Choi will be attending Prom," Vivian tells me.

My eyes open wide. "Mr. Choi is going to be at the Prom? Why?" Did I seriously just ask that aloud right now? I don't care if he is going to Prom at all.

Vivian nods her head, grinning. "Yes, he will be there," she answers. "He's going to be one of the guides there at the event. You know, he will basically be on babysitting duty during the entire thing. What could he possibly do? Math while we're there?"

"I guess it'll be safe for me to go." I have to monitor Mr. Choi. If he starts trouble, I have to be there to stop him. "It can't hurt to go."

"You're going now?"

I nod my head quickly and she releases my arm. "Yes, I will go to Prom now. I'll get a proper dress for the event and look the part of a Prom attendee." I force a smile onto my face. Mr. Choi is wanting me to go to Prom with someone and screw up. I can feel it.

"Hey, girls!" Mr. Choi is now here. As always, he shows up when he is brought up in my thoughts. It is just how he is. He enjoys listening to what I'm talking to myself about internally. "How is it going? I got the dress code here in my hands. You have to dress a certain way if you're going to Prom."

I turn to him, staring at his face. "I don't need to see it, Mr. Choi. It is just more bullcrap about how women turn guys on just by showing some of their back or their shoulders," I say, being blunt. I don't give a crap for what most women complain about but I totally get that. If they're not dressed in a seductive manner, it shouldn't be a problem.

Mr. Choi looks like he typically does, which is simple and plain. He's not dressed up ever, which is great. I don't want to see him all dressed up. Too bad it'll be that way at Prom.

"You're right about that," Vivian comments, agreeing with me. "I can't wear the really beautiful dresses I want to at dances because they're deemed to be too much for guys to look at. So, I have to wear something that isn't as comfortable and beautiful."

Mr. Choi nods his head. "I can see the problem girls and I agree with you two on. However, I don't make the rules," he tells us, holding out the papers. "If it was up to me, I would allow girls to have more freedom with their fashion choices. Anyways, the Prom has a theme."

"It is the stereotypical Masquerade theme?" I ask, looking away from his face. He has such a stupid, plain face. How dare he show it to me while he is reading my mind!

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