-Chapter 33

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-Chapter 33

"Everyone, please sit down and be silent. We're not done here," The Principal says, ordering us around. I honestly have no clue what his name is because I never really seen him before. I don't care for stuff that I can't focus on and have contact with. "Mr. Choi wants to say his goodbye speech to you all. If you had him as your teacher, you may find his speech a bit emotional."

Why would anyone be emotional over his departure from the school? I'm certainly not shedding any tears of him right now. I am kind of glad that we're at this moment because that means he'll be officially gone soon and I won't have to deal with him ever again.

Mr. Choi steps onto the stage, wearing a casual outfit. He's wearing a blue shirt, black pants, and his usual shoes. His glasses are on his face still. I don't expect too much from him in the fashion department.

He moves over to the Principal and shakes his hand, smiling at my balding Principal. He then looks at us and releases the Principal's hand. He waves at us and I lean back in my seat as he approaches the podium where he can give his speech at.

The Principal gets off the stage, leaving Mr. Choi in the spotlight. Mr. Choi adjusts the microphone and leans forward, looking around at all of us. If this was a book or a movie, it'll just be all about him and have a sad feeling to it. But since this is real life, I have no feelings towards him going for forever.

"Hello, everyone," Mr. Choi says into the microphone, which is making his voice boom across the room from the speakers. "I arranged for this to be my last day officially here at the school. I already had my last day as a teacher, which was wonder thanks to all of you being so sweet to me. So, thank you." His eyes dart around the room. "You know what is odd? We're both starting a new chapter of our lives at the same time."

I lean forward and place my hands on my lap, staring ahead intently. I wonder what else he has to say. He's not going to admit he's a demon, so I know not to expect that.

He smiles softly, his eyes going to me. "Some of you will start your new chapter at College and others will work at some minimum wage job. That isn't a bad thing at all because having a job is a good thing. It is stressful, but good. If you're going to end up at College, make sure to love your classes as much as you loved my class. Just do whatever you want to make yourself happy."

"You were an amazing teacher!" Kaylee shouts, cheering on Mr. Choi.

So many people were touched by him despite not knowing why they were on the inside. Somewhere deep down inside of them is the magic that Mr. Choi used to curse them. They can't get rid of it because they have no idea about it. They don't even remember signing contracts with him once they got so greedy about things.

Mr. Choi laughs a bit and nods his head. "I have to go but don't be sad. I'll miss you all so much and I'll even miss you, Jason. If Five Days of Awesome are here, I'll even miss you." Now he's just lying on that one!

"Yeah!" Jason cheers happily, wanting to be remembered. He is going to miss him though? Why would he even bother missing someone like him?

"Will you miss me?" Some other person asks.

"Yes, you were included in the all part. Also, you were included in the Five Days of Awesome part since you're they're drummer," Mr. Choi answers quickly. "Having you guys around was awesome. You may have caused disruptions but you were truly awesome people when not bothering everyone."

Having them around for me was a complete nightmare. They were constantly getting in the way by hitting on me and disrupting my classes. My life is now going to be great because I won't have to deal with them any longer. I can't wait to have a normal life again.

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