-Chapter 17

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-Chapter 17

Being messed with by a demon teacher is absolutely awful. However, I did sign up for it and he has to do anything to get me to fail at completing our contract. He really is one frustrating demon to put up with.

"Hello, Jade," Mr. Choi says, entering his classroom. Oh, why did I come here again? "I asked you to stop by before we go on break. I wanted help organizing my room a bit and since we have a contract together, I figured you would be perfect for the job."

"Are you sure you didn't want to see me and torment me some more?" He probably wanted to see me make all kinds of expressions to what he does.

He shuts the door behind him and chuckles, looking pretty amused. "Yeah, I guess that is one thing I did want to see. I love watching how you react to me. It is always full of anger and frustration at first and then it turns into disgust with me."

I stand up. "Yeah, I guess that is how I look at first." I do get really ticked off at him all the time.

"Have you ever considered understanding things from my point of view? It is just my job to do this," he asks me. He really wants me to answer that? "Go ahead. Answer it." 

I shrug my shoulders. "I guess I haven't. Should I actually consider doing so?" I don't want to waste my precious thoughts on him all the time.

"You're always thinking about how to deal with me. No wonder why your grade in my class is so bad," he comments, chuckling once again. Nope, that isn't a me problem. "Alright, I'm the reason behind that. But you know what? It isn't like you can tell your parents why your grade in my class is bad. I can tell them though and come up with any reason I want for why you have such a bad grade in my class." 

"Tell them about my grade in your class and I'll end you somehow." I don't have any powers to end him, but I'll find a way to. I am pretty pathetic for saying this aren't I? 

"Oh?" He smirks. "Go on, try to."

"Uh...I'm good." I look away from him as my face heats up a bit. "So, Mr. Choi, I won't have to deal with your for a few weeks, right?"

"It is basically for two weeks. But yeah, you won't have to deal with me for a bit. You will be free to live your life while away from school."

"Alright." I doubt it, but we'll see. "So, what shall we clean up first?"

"Yeah, we should do that." He nods his head. "But that can wait for a little bit. How about we chat for a bit longer? How is your friendship with Vivian going? I want to know how things are going for you since you were friendless for a bit." 

I shrug. "Good, I guess."

"You guess?"

"Yeah, I guess so. She's still your fan girl and she is still pretty annoying about it. Do you have to be so appealing towards majority of the girls here?" It is annoying how popular he is. I hate being surrounded by the Mr. Choi fan squad. 

"I can't help that I'm appealing to a certain group of the population. Demons are just appealing," he states, sounding slightly offended. "Do you want me to ask why you're appealing to some people in the world? You do know that guys were into you before, right? You just didn't notice due to them expressing it in awful ways."

"Bullying doesn't translate into affection." Maybe in some cases the person sees that as a way to expression that, but I don't. "How do you even expression your affection to someone, Mr. Choi?"

"I would treat the girl properly," he tells me, being quite honest about how he would treat a girl. "I'm not a bad man, Jade. I know how to treat people. I am just doing my job and that is why you're not treated the way you would be if I didn't have you as a student." 

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