-Chapter 6

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-Chapter 6

I wonder why everyone is so strange after going to Mr. Choi's lessons.

It isn't normal that one person is allowed to attend these lessons. Honestly, something is wrong with those lessons. But what is wrong with it? Is it some sort of confidence lesson that I don't know about?

"Excuse me, out of the way," Vivian says, wanting people to get out of her way. Lately she has been like a miniature Kaylee, which is very annoying.

I look up towards the front of the classroom as Mr. Choi stands there, staring down at a stack of paper in his hands. It seems like he is interested in whatever he is doing. However, I'm interested in his private lessons.

I turn, eyes going to Vivian as she sits down, and I tilt my head a bit. She crosses her legs as she pulls out her cell phone, messing around on it. Mr. Choi isn't going to do anything about it at the moment, which is pretty normal. He's busy and he honestly is more chill in the morning. If this was his Calculus class, she would be in a world of hurt because of that phone of hers. 

I sigh, looking over at the window next to me, and shake my head a bit. It is so dark outside today. Like something dark is going on in the world and the world just wants to cry over it. I swear, it better not rain on me later. I hate the rain so much because it ruins everything. 

"I wonder if Mr. Choi will keep doing his lessons. I may want to take him up on another round of it," Vivian says, probably talking to herself. She is really into him still and I shouldn't be surprised about it, but I am. With her new attitude, one would think she'll be into something different.

I look back at Mr. Choi as he adjusts his collar, looking slightly sophisticated. His bangs are over his eyebrows, hiding them as usual, and his skin looks a bit more warmer today in the cheeks. I wonder if he isn't feeling well. Not like he would call off and miss a day. This is his favorite thing to do in the world, so he wouldn't miss it for anything in the world!

He looks up, eyes going to me. He flashes me a small smile, looking happy to be here today, and looks back down at his papers. Does he have to look up and smile at me? Creepy.

"Homeroom, how do you think your school year is going so far without Ms. Keyes?" Mr. Choi asks, not looking up.

I honestly miss Ms. Keyes a lot right now. When she was here, everything was pretty normal. Now everything seems to be a mess and it just won't straighten out.

"It is going well to me," Vivian answers. "What about you, Kaylee? How's the school year going?"

I look over at Kaylee as she shrugs her small shoulders. "Eh...could be better," she says, answering Vivian's question. "It would be better if I could have more time to study. However, I got tons of stuff going on so I really can't."

If someone wasn't busy getting themselves into Hollywood, they would have time to study and do all their school work. However, since they haven't, they will just have to suffer. I don't know why she expects life to cater to her every whim.

"I see. Well, I hope that I'm a good substitute for her." Mr. Choi is probably grinning right now. He seems like he doesn't have many moods to go through. He is either happy or serious most of the time. 

I look back at the front of the room, holding back a sigh. He shouldn't even be wasting our time with small talk. We should be allowed to do what we want as long as we're following the rules.

His eyes go to me and he nods his head. "And you, Jade? I know you don't like being called on, it is obvious." He smiles widely. "But how do you feel about me being your teacher so far?"

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