-Chapter 14

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-Chapter 14

"Looking good today, Jade!" Roger exclaims, catcalling me. How disgusting can he get? 

I stop and look at him, my blood boiling a little. "Do I look like I care for what you think about me? You're a creep," I say, glaring at him. "I should probably report you for harassment but I'll give you a chance to straighten yourself out."

Roger turns a bit pale. "Sorry," he says, apologizing immediately. He probably didn't expect me to say anything to him. Why am I even saying anything?

"Good boy. I accept your apology, Roger," I reply. Is Mr. Choi doing this? He was influencing the others to act a certain way so maybe he's doing that to me.

"Is something wrong, Jade?"

I look to my left and up, staring Mr. Choi right in the face. "Uh..."

"You're blunt in your mind, so you should be blunt when talking to people face to face. It is your own confidence now due to the contract," he says, keeping his voice low. He's only speaking loud enough for me to hear him right now. 

Ah, so that is part of what he told me would appear in it once it got started? What else is in there? A flying pig in my dreams? 

I look away and nod. "Alright." Whatever he says. 

"You should get to your seat now," he tells me, bossing me around. He's lucky he is the teacher. If he wasn't, I would unleash a can of whoop butt on him. "Do you really want to do that?" His voice is still low. Creepy.

I look at him and shake my head. "I'll get to my seat. Uh...can I ask you something first?" He's pretty darn intimidating so I can't look him in the eyes right now.


"Why are you so calm about everything?" I ask curiously. I'm not going to look at his face. He gives me the creeps sometimes.

"I'm allowed to be calm at times. Why?"

"Because it is creepy that you are," I answer, being honest with him. "I'm not going to sugarcoat it. You creep me out almost all the time. It is really frustrating to see your creepy face be all near my face." 

He laughs, keeping it low so it doesn't cause everyone to look at us weirdly. "You're funny, Jade. Please take a seat now or else I will have to make you sit down." How would he possibly do that? "You don't want to find out so please sit."

I sigh and go over to my desk, placing my things down. How can he be so calm about everything? He's in a contract with me and it doesn't even bother him that he might lose. He's not even worried about it right now. That's strange. If I could, I would rip out his cold heart.

I sit down and look at Mr. Choi, who is pretty harmless now that I'm at my desk. He can't do anything to me in front of all the students. I'm sure he could manipulate that though with his powers since no one has memories of Vienna. Would he harm me?

Mr. Choi stares at me, a slight smirk on his face. Oh, he heard that! I nearly forgot that he is able to read my mind. I hope he likes listening to whatever I think about. I should try to be more annoying in the future. I need to make a mental note of that.

The bell rings and Mr. Choi clears his throat, going over to the door and closing it. "Class, I would like to talk about something today for once. Don't worry, I will not talk about math." He looks around the room and returns to the middle of the room. "I wish to talk about the break that is coming up, which is Thanksgiving Break. Also known as a Holiday Break or four days off to some other kids."

I can't wait for the break to arrive because it'll keep me away from my horrible teacher. I can't avoid him that much at school. It will be nice avoiding the most annoying person in my life.

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